farscythe - makin da cawfee!

I was thinking the same thing. I hope they both keep up with that kind of approach. It reflects well on them.

I was really kind of worried for their inevitable breakup, but they both seem to be handling it very well.

Yea, they both seem to be handling it really well. They are both using it for their comedy/music, but nothing they say is shade on the other. Considering some of the shit we’ve seen other celebrities and even regular people put out there, this is good. 

Make that a shot, toss it into a beer, and you have the evil known as the “Seahawk Touchdown.”

I was sitting here, “no no, must not find humor in this serious and disturbing thing... ‘*piggysnort*’... yeah, okay. I can laugh at these idiots and be terrified.”

The cognitive dissonance between humor & horror is poignant.

I can’t say I had an opinion about Rebel Wilson before now, but now I sure do, and it’s not a good one. 

I’ve been waiting for the protest music of this generation, and I think we’re starting to see it. These guys (and others) do some powerful social commentary.

I liked Der Staat’s “Witchdoctor”. The visuals were amazing.

Education (and educators) are a big part of the problem here. Too many white educators have decided that the only way to be avoid giving offense is to totally ignore race. And it’s not just blackface, many kids have absolutely no idea about minstrelsy, Jim Crow, segregation, or that any form of racism survived the

Send me a bottle of your Best Piss (put a FACNY label on it), and I’ll try it on my Brother in Law. He comes from Scots as do the rest of us (Scots and French, sadly). But he’s a proper arsehole who will drink anything with a fancy label. I can’t wait to tell you that he’ll want to start a brewery with you :D

Are you by chance a Scotsman? I’ve heard that your piss is worth bottling :D

Yup. Like the okay sign and the number eighty-eight, the white supremacists have laid claim to white milk. It would be sadly funny if they weren’t so dangerous.

lol, Lawyer-ing wouldn’t be my first choice if I had it to do again:). Too many degrees later and still poor as dirt, I would have chosen plumbing (you can pick that up, right:) BTW: I’m not a lawyer.

“...we will consider chocolate milk a firearm...” — White House press release tomorrow 

So no SNS? Are you guys going to post a makeup thread tonight? 

Not really a flaw, if you consider you actually have two yummy sammies once you unstack and reconfigure them!

Not a sandwich. A sandwich is filling in between two slices of bread, of bread, see, of bread. Not something in place of bread, not a chiabata, roll, bun, bap, stottie, baguette, etc... which has been sliced into to two. Two slices of bread from a loaf. The bread can be white, brown, wheat, rye, sour dough, etc... but

It looks tasty, but there is no place in my life for a sandwich that is taller than the distance between my top and bottom teeth when my jaw is fully open.