farscythe - makin da cawfee!

I just stared at that fry-up for five minutes. Can’t get a decent one here in the US (the bacon and sausage just aren’t the same). I’d replace that toast with a fried slice for total perfection, though.

Now playing

Why won’t you call and come home?
Please call and come home
And I know you won’t come just for the cash
Will you come for my bangers
My beans and mash?

The overall levels are coming down but the proportion who binge isn’t so it seems like there’s still a massive problem because of perception.

Surprisingly underage drinking is on the decline now as it’s “uncool”, an example of where shaming as a tactic to remove bad societal behaviours has worked funnily enough.

Very true, those beans for example are likely 60% of your daily sodium intake. When I started looking at nutritional labels it was the salt content that banished most of the best foods.  I favor healthy over tasty which is not mutually exclusive just tasty and healthy almost never goes with cheap.  Which is a major

It’s not young people keeping the pub trade alive, trust me.

Mhhhmmm... English food my favorite cheat meal. Though in terms of macronutrient break down its not the worst. American breakfast is far worse, children cereal ugh. Earlier this year the UK actually placed a “Sugar Tax” on high sugar pops and fruit drinks, which is good. As I would argue a major contributing factor

Yeah, the Netherlands...who have never done anything wrong. *cough cough* Africa *cough cough*.

Damn, dude, Poojavelin down there just fucking roasted you.

I’m considerably late to the game on this story...and I’m really confused on one thing...how and why is the Turkish government involved in this? There is so much going on with this case that I can’t seem to get the search terms right to get this tidbit of information. If you or anyone else on this thread knows or can

we just dont air it so much

we just dont air it so much

Oh, so you’re Dutch. The Netherlands have a long history of human rights abuses, from colonialism and the slave trade to war crimes during the Iraq war and human rights abuses towards immigrants right now.

Not many! But who knows, I would imagine there are fans of all sorts everywhere.

No worries!

Aren’t you from the nation that gave the world the Al-Yamamah arms deals, classified investigation of Saudi corruption of said arms deal as a “matter of national security” to shut it down, and put the fucking House of Saud in charge there a century ago?

It would appear SportTV broadcasts it, but like you said, you do have to pay for it.

Hope you’re able to find it! 

*i mean blublublubfuckthisshitissalty*

Coors reminds me of having sex in a canoe. Both fucking close to water.