farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Aww your Chewy looks like my Noah...He passed last summer. I miss him:

I was wondering how you could get your mouth that open to eat it, but it looks and sound great. I lazed out and got a burrito from a local place that has awesome family recipe carne asada. Their beans are also amazing, I would say that they are made with love, but I think it is the snowcap that is the secret

my Indian friend is visiting, and are requested German food. So I made an onion tart that I served with Federweissem and salad. I was a little worried if the yeast dough would come out nice, I'm gluten free and gluten free flour sometimes does funny things, but it came out perfect. Yum.

I roasted some butternut squash and then realised I had none of the other ingredients for the dish I planned.  So instead, I cooked some gnocchi and asparagus and added the roasted squash to that with a fresh tomato. Yum! 

Of course they do. They’re literally zippy!


If I knew anything about architecture, I’d make sure you got some price for this beautiful tower. The structure looks sound and delicious. Your cat does a great crazy face.

Makes me think of Blau Oyster Cult’s big hit, “Don’t Fier the Ljeppen.”

We’ve finished our cooking for the week and are deep into leftover territory (we plan it that way, each making two meals) so tonight we’ll be having either my husband’s succotash or his Mexican meat loaf. For lunch we had my red beans and rice casserole.

How to Heal a Family—

I’m out of state (reffed a game tonight), so I had a steakburger and fries.  About to have a Zebra Cake (it was in the referee’s welcome basket) and some chardonnay and a hot bath.

Get an extra chair, I’m coming to your house for dinner.

Don’t you love the tone of “I’m sacrificing this to PROTECT my daughter” and treating her like a child? Like this is the equivalent of your dad going “violet, we will discuss this at home!” when he doesn’t want you to it make a scene in public.

Prime steaks grilled, roasted broccoli with garlic (if you are still steaming broccoli please reach out - it is a sickness that can be cured), twice baked potatoes and cat that is living life in our garage at the highest possible peak. Minerva will not get down for mortal man.

One of the contributors to his campaign will probably give him a job. Asses like this seem to land on their feet.

Tonight I’m warmbrewing coffee in the new sous vide that Mr.TARDIS got me for my birthday this week. I’m sure it will be great after I let it chill overnight in the fridge. Here’s Mr. Vincent telling you that it’s time for a shower, like now.

I just made a big ass cobb(ish) salad. Chicken, eggs, bacon, feta, cherry tomatoes, a little avocado I bought at whole foods today because now I can eat an entire avocado is one go. Also fig tahini dressing I also bought at whole food because why not.

Oops, sorry! She’s very cute.

My brother is buying me breakfast as we speak and we just last week got a new puppy. A toy schnoodle that my brother named Igor. I call him Iggy. The cats and our other dog (my super sweet staffyXkelpie who could basically eat Iggy in one mouthful) are still adjusting, but they’re all being super patient with this

That’s a hell of a burger! We had steak and couscous with apple and cranberries. It was delicious. Chewy is a happy looking guy.