
Don't you love how says, women are voting for women's issues, being typical selfish women, while men are voting for what really matters. The sexism is so blatant, and the people he's writing about truly believe it. 2016, and we're still here, it's disgusting.

Ah, no. You're thinking of rightwingers who believe poor means you deserve to be punished. Who think women and minorities should shut up and stop demanding to be treated as people. I get the anger coming from Trump supporters, I really do. But they choose to focus their anger on the wrong targets. Its easier to blame

Well said.

What a pretentious prick. He thinks way too highly of himself.

I wasn't talking about you, or you meant to respond to someone else.

That’s exactly what many people are saying. Many comments are what a whore she is, and what the parents should do about their little whore. Nothing about the boys, because boys will be boys. Rape culture. I don’t think the boys belong in jail, although this one being charged by police indicates they have evidence

A bathroom filled with 25 football players. Sure, saying no seems like a safe solution. Loving and empowering, go fuck yourself.

I’m sure he’ll ride in later explaining how we just don’t get it, and men are the ones who suffer more from this violent world. And misogyny? Not a real problem.

Erdogan, proving again he's afraid of words and women.

I was typing out a comment filled with facts, facts you mentioned but shockingly, left out what wasn't useful to you in crying about how men have it worse. When someone actually says, there is so much violence going around the fact that women are comparatively effected so little is a miracle, it shows how willfully

Because party before country. The whole republican party is falling to their knees for their reality show demigod. Its another example of pathetic in a long line of them.

So sorry that happened to you.

Holy crap. So glad you were there for that girl. And so glad your wife's friend went back to the table.

Romantic Outlaws The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft, and Her Daughter Mary Shelley, by Charlotte Gordon. It is so good. She goes back and forth about their lives in such a compelling way, that the pages turn quickly.

I’m going to have to look that up. Never heard of it before. Sounds interesting. I tell my daughter to listen to her instincts, and have tried to teach her to cultivate them.

My worry is how the people they work with are going to react. I sure as hell hope they're supportive of her, and don't make excuses for him. Thankfully it's on film, so no one can call her a liar.

Thank you. It happened years ago, and I had lots of guy friends who were so great and downright honorable that it didn’t really effect me that much. It was only years later that his actions really hit me. Having a daughter will do that. All the things I chalked up to being a girl then a woman, stunned me. We are

I read a an article not too long ago that said that exact thing. Guys will drug each other as a big joke. But when it comes to women it's not at all a joke. What the hell is wrong with people?

Her best friend. My heart broke. How many women has this happened to? Too many. Someone I considered a close friend, climbed into bed with me at a hotel party. I didn't think anything of it because everyone in our room was sleeping, including the other guy in the bed. My friend obviously thought I was passed out