I like the idea, but why have "See annotation" as the tool-tip? Shouldn't that just load the annotation? Then if you click the annotation, you get the story. Moving the mouse around the map to see briefs is nice. When you have to click to see the briefs, I'd rather just have them in a list. All that said, the…
Another data point that raises the question of how in the hell did Michigan hold onto the upper peninsula?
If you had to bet, was this a "slippery-slope" type incident combined with poor judgement or a (terribly) calculated attempt at generating media converage? Which case reflects worse on Teo from a purely football perspective?
If you agree with Coach K, you miss. See Duke vs Butler, 2010 NCAA championship game.
Did I miss the extreme sarcasm that must be present in the phrase "frontcourt star Amir Johnson?"
Absolutely. The NBA's concussion epidemic is a real problem. Also, one time, my sister threw a tennis racket at me. My kids will *NOT* play tennis.