
The difference is that many, many Christian religious leaders encourage dissent, critical thinking, and a metaphorical reading of the Bible.

When I was in high school, my ultimate goal was to become a missionary in North Korea and be martyred for Christ. I read the book Jesus Freaks one too many times. True believers are really capable of anything. Had I been raised by hard-right religious extremist instead of being self-taught and just a little

The best part about giving birth is that you’re no longer pregnant afterwards. And the baby, of course, but in the first few post-partum days, I was so shell-shocked the fact that there was a baby and that he was mine felt very abstract. Not being pregnant, however, felt very real and very amazing. A friend visited me

I kind of hate to be that lady too, but it’s also just bail. Posting bail is not the same thing as running around screaming “he’s innocent! She’s a whoooore!” She just got him out on bail. He still has to go through the whole legal process. Now if she flies him to an undisclosed foreign location next, by all means,

People they killed with guns: 14. People they killed with bombs: 0.


guys hes not wrong

“Go to another clinic?” Bless your heart.

One woman read a magazine the whole time. She was my hero.

Ugh, goddamn fuck all of these xenophobic assholes. And your “american made” “support local economies” bullshit is so transparent. It’s 100% about being racist and screwing over brown people. No matter that they are good, enterprising and hard-working people. People that embody the values that are what America is

He was allowed to cancel the flight with no penalties. How generous.

To be fair, he did try to give her the D, it just got intercepted and taken back for 6.

Jesus, Carly. What are you willing to say? What are you willing to espouse? Do you have any soul left at all?

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

Julie could care less about your argument. She was doing her job. And she was killed by a sick human who took advantage of this countries continued efforts to arm the insane.

This isn’t about how we should ban paper to avoid paper cuts. This is about fixing a society that thinks that the government is 20 mins from

Because ya know, societies like England, Australia, and Japan with strict and enforced gun laws all collapsed back into the stone age—aside from having a murder rate 1/30th of the United States’.

“You’ve got to practice your attitude...”

The guy saying you got to practice your attitude had to be the most extreme example of Pinkham’s law I've ever seen

“Practice your attitude” = “Women and black people should remember how to speak when talking to their betters.”