
Mom was a drunk, whose disease quickly spun out of control after her father passed away in 1974.

My grandfather has a three-bedroom condo to himself, so for the past 10 or 15 years he’s been renting out the rooms to men from his church. The most recent one, whom I’ve met once before, was at dinner tonight.

My story isn’t so much a horror story as it is family drama. Eons ago my sister and my husband’s brother dated. The relationship ended when my BIL cheated on my sister with his now wife. Years later they reconnected and carried on behind their spouses’ backs for a time. They had an on and off opportunistic affair for

Mine certainly isn’t the worst Thanksgiving story (my parents are thankfully mostly sober and not racist), but God was this a tense dinner.

My mother is very mentally unstable and a filthy hoarder. Not TV Special-level hoarding, but really bad. I do not eat at her house because she is horribly unhygienic and thinks nothing of leaving perishables out all night then serving to us the next day. She likes garbage to remain scattered on the floor and around

This was my first year back home for Thanksgiving in 6 years. It was supposed to be a joyous event for all of us since we were all finally back together after so long. Hahahahahahaha. NOPE. My mother decided to start a fight with me this morning over something stupid that she made up in her head. I’m 31 but she still

I used to live across the country from most of my family, except for this one uncle. He invited my boyfriend and me to have Thanksgiving with him and his family one year. I’d done this before with Uncle & family - it would be something low key along the lines of frozen ravioli followed by ice cream. Not traditional

ha! my abertan relatives are my uncle and his super racist. and sexist wife. they like to spend the holidays complaining to mother how I sear too damn much. while her son shacks up some woman he met two weeks after his wife left him. instead of focusing on his children who are fairly confused and who spends money ear

Not a Thanksgiving story, but I feel like it deserves some kind of mention.

Well...late to the party, but mine was during one of my grandmother’s last Thanksgivings, and my formerly super-cool concert-going, Harley riding, Rolling Stone reading uncle (who had converted to a born-again, Rush Limbaugh listening pig proceeded to bait me into a screaming match over abortion rights, culminating in

So, let me explain a few things.

I convinced my boyfriend at the time to come home with me. He wanted to stay at college, but I badgered him until he gave in. My parents were redoing our house, and there was dust everywhere and their two cats were confined to the upstairs. Bf was horribly allergic. Parents decided they didn't like bf, and kept

My husband cheated on me with his baby mama on Thanksgiving in 2008. She’s still invited to the holiday every year because my in-laws put it on. I don't have any family nearby or any close friends so I usually spend the holiday alone because I refuse to go to theirs.

The year I took my ex-boyfriend with me to my family’s Thanksgiving: We go to a multi-family gathering, people I love dearly and also I really look up to them all so I want them to think the best of me, known them my whole life, etc.

So after numerous Bud Lights and glasses of supermarket wine, my former brother-in-law decided the Thanksgiving table was the proper time to announce his vasectomy. Uncomfortable laughter followed. Then my equally drunk father-in-law decided to one-up his SiL by announcing his recent vasectomy! My ex-MiL was a quiet

It can’t hold a candle to most of the stories so far, but here is my shitty (Canadian) Thanksgiving from this year:

My aunt recently bought a new house, in a small town about 45 minutes drive from the city where I and most of my family live. She very much wanted to host Thanksgiving, despite having moved like literally

Thanksgiving dinner three years ago. I sat next to Buckley Carlson, brother of Tucker. Yes. I feel like this is horror story enough.

As dysfunctional as my family can be at times, somehow I don’t have any Thanksgiving horror stories. So this is more work related.

It pains me to tell this story because it inevitbaly leads to my sister being the golden child for the decade after this story.