Action is eloquence.
Please DM Milton Berle’s Cock as a courtesy when posting comments like this.
I am in a coma after reading this all the way through and trying to understand what is going on. (the story up above presented as fact, for the most part)
Risky Business.
That quote from her father was just a punch in the gut for me. I want to grab this person and violently shake them while yelling “you daughter’s life!”
Did he kill Gary Cole and take his hair?
Thank god she’s impartial (to grabbing some press clippings).
Thank you for reading the comments on your story. Also thank you for correcting your story based on a reader comment. Many Gizmodo authors do neither.
I still don’t understand why the FBI is getting a free pass on the issue of distributing child porn. After they took over the server they kept it running. They willfully distributed child porn not by accident for a few hours but on purpose for weeks. Isn’t that always reprehensible and punishable?
In other news, dog bites man. Film at 11.
Too be fair, most people did/do that. Well not ignored really, just sorta acknowledged the reality of climate change. And then realized it probably wouldn’t get REAL bad until after they were dead.
ky r buts. i
Share your shit. Get mad. Decide how this time sharing your shit will be better.
Here is the full sequence from MLB video:
Whenever they make a movie about all this shit John Kelly has to be played by Tomas Arana.
Obligatory xkcd Opportunity comic: