Congrats! You're (sorta) famous!
Congrats! You're (sorta) famous!
Sorry, my lack of grammatical awareness betrayed me. The last two sentences are referring to the Big 10, not the SEC.
Right, the SEC has a ratio 2x that of the Big 10. If you notice that the despite there 3nd highest overall spending, they are 7th highest in ratio. Meaning they spend much more on academics.
Let's see, jezebel finds it ridiculus when people blame violent video games on school shootings, then rail on the NRA for releasing shooting video game? Hypocritical much? I think the NRA is a batshit crazy organization too, but the game seems kinda harmless. It doesn't seem that violent as you are shooting an…
Just like their player's ankles/knees, apparently.
Same, I'm a dude and have tried it a few times. It never gets smooth and itches like crazy after a day or so. So I'd have to repeat almost every day to avoid the itchiness. Soooo not worth it. Also, since my junk is external, if it rubs up against other skin, the pickliness irritates that other skin.
Was going to post this...but for some reason I can't comment on the Jalopnik front page. I can respond to all the other gawker websites, on oppo, and on people's profiles, but Kinja doesn't show a reply button on the FP.
Embarassingly, it took me till about half of the way through till I got the joke.
woodgrain tint
I feel I've proved my point about the article being misleading. I have nothing to apologize for and have neither said or done anything sexist. You are one of the most militant and unreasonable commenters I have ever come across. I have been nothing but respectful and reasonable while providing well laid out…
Uhh...OK. I was referring to vigilante justice, not the due process through the court of law. Rapists should be punished, but by the law (which apparently failed in this case), not through street justice. But go ahead, misquote me and misconstrue what I said for a quick retort.
Right. Intentionally breaking the law dozens of times over months or years is better than getting angry once or twice and hitting someone. Are you saying you never, ever pushed or punched someone in anger? Not even a sibling? Listen, I think domestic violence is reprehensible and I have never hit or will hit a…
But she didn't know that at the time. If she attacked him after the sentencing, you may have an argument. The fact that she is 13 means that she got off light in any punishment for her actions if she did in fact get someone to beat him up. That's why minors receive minor punishments. Actually, I'm not sure what…
Not the greatest example, I'll admit; but it's still a crime. Most people have gotten into at least one fight in their lives, or a least punched or pushed someone (I may or may not have pushed my sister a few times growing up).
I'm not talking about rape, I'm talking about violence/murder. I don't necessarily agree with much of the MRA believe and where they come from. I'm just trying to understand everyone's viewpoint and formulate my own opinion, while looking at statistics and numbers. Obviously, the vast majority of crimes men commit…