Fark Wad

uh-oh, you know it’s serious if they’re real-naming him.

And the GOP lol’s to victory as progressives eat themselves again over minutiae. Do you want voting rights for all or Awkwafina doing a blaccent? Do you want universal healthcare or Joe Rogan on Spotify. Every one of the teacup tempests alienates just a little more of the moderate vote we need to enact what we want.

This circular firing squad thing is the reason we get Trump.   

Please shut the fuck up. 

Yes, you are the only person on here that understands. We bow to your infinite wisdom.

Holy shit, you’re whiter than a Klansman’s hood. 

Sucks that _insert celebrity name here_ is getting dragged because a few woker then thou shitheads on Twitter decided they just had to yuck in everyone elses yum

The Twitter wars of the “progressives” eating their own continue as they all battle to attain the highest level of idiological purity. So it was with past revolutions, so it is with this one. History always repeats itself. It always ends badly for everyone involved. Ask Robespierre. Oh wait, you can’t because he lost

First Akwafine thought, first time I heard her talk (Crazy Rich Asians) I thought she was doing a Miley Cyrus impersonation so that’s my take on her voice.

Really? I didn’t see a ton of dudes getting mad that Cooking Mama didn’t feature massive tits. Is Cooking Mama not a game? Just an example, but if you step outside yourself and your unnecessary sense of greivance, it should be pretty dang obvious that there are plenty of games that have female characters in them and

That’s cool. We can all get along.

I ignore her performance in Euphoria because no matter what you have them do, I don’t care about high schoolers lives

Good. And let them keep growing bigger.

Video game female character’s Boobs Keep Growing With Every Sequel you say?

In season one, Kat offered one of the most realistic depictions of a Gen Z teenager.”

The 16 year old who is fin-domming on a cam site is “one of the most realistic depictions of a Gen Z teenager?”

Lets be honest: Ever since this place was no longer under Gawker, it went to shit. The loss of certain writers on this site was devastating to the quality.

Larry David is very connected. Complaints about how things are handled on Curb is a great way to never work in Hollywood ever again.

He didn’t actually do anything wrong. As a comic he is more crude and they didn’t like it as soon as they wanted to cut the show’s budget. Comics are basically everyone on curb, Garlin is not even close to the most outlandish person on that show off set.

“After reading these accusations of violent rape, I felt like I had to share my story. He smelled me one time. #metoo”

Counterpoint: Not sure! Why???