Fark Wad

He’s a standup comedian, chill the fuck out. If a comedian never crosses the line, I’m not sure I can respect them. If I don’t like a batch of jokes, I just don’t laugh and wait for the next batch, especially with someone who’s been so damn good for so long.

everyone always laughs until it’s about them. i’m asian and don’t get offended about stupid jokes about us. this is what comedy is, laughing at mostly stupid things youre not supposed to laugh at. a generation of brittle spirits.

Avclub’s opinion on video games is an embarrassment.

More than anything, I just hate the fucking score, as well as the fact that this is what all Broadway shows sound like now. It’s like the cast of Glee fucked the house band of a megachurch.

That gets him canceled? Jesus. Really? What ever happened to just saying, “Dude, that was a dick comment. Say sorry and don’t say that shit anymore.”

They’re probably having trouble finding someone to play a 7-foot-tall ex-basketball-pro Hindu guru drag queen alien.

Like many a Netflix money laundering scheme production, this looks cheap, tacky and guaranteed to be canceled before the story reaches conclusion. hard pass

“Jet Black” is just a name, he wasn’t LITERALLY black. I hate the way that now they always HAVE to change some of the characters sex and/or race in every adaption. Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.

Let’s just compromise and no one has to see Sean Penn’s movies.

I really couldn’t figure out what the appeal of this was supposed to be. Early 40-somethings really hoping someone would make their generation’s Golden Girls, but it’s on the wackier end of Sandler’s work?

See, that headline is one of the problems right there. People took Kyle Ren’s “Let the past die, kill it if you have to” as the main message of the film when it’s the exact opposite.

The problems with TLJ run FAR, FAR DEEPER than overt flirtations with wokeness and purposely trashing whatever narrative momentum was established in TFA.

The biggest problem with Star Wars is the completely clueless tone given by the director.

Let me just take the final scene: in the cave where the Rebel Force has been

It was bad, and the trilogy as a whole was bad. The casting was good, the cgi was the good, the story was pure trash. You have three legends in Mark, Carrie, and Harrison and you don’t put them together in even a single scene across 3 full length movies?

The “your mother” ‘phone call’ to Hux from Poe and the lightsaber toss I found a jarringly discordant way to start the film and it really threw me off. Didn't work at all for me.

It is not a good movie. You’re right to point out the parts where it tries to break out of the mould and open new possibilities in the series. But those attempts are failures, because the film just doesn’t hang together as storytelling, spectacle or (failing both of those) logic.

It doesn't mean the humour worked for everybody. 

The empty “The Last Jedi” was a fraud to its core. Straining so hard for praise, the cloying film - so precious, obnoxious and self-congratulatory - managed to hoodwink some people at least, but the dwindling audience managed to see through Johnson’s smug self-satisfaction.

They kind of fucked it up, though. Rose comes at him from an impossible angle (earlier shots show him way out in front so how did she catch up to then hit him at right angles?).

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I remember telling a friend that I thought Mark Hamill gave an award worthy performance. However I did not like the rest of this film.

who’s the audience anymore?