
Fish sauce is commonly used in SE Asian cuisine. Thai folks put it in EVERYTHING> And I have often found, oddly enough, that a bit of fish sauce in my pasta sauce does wonders...

Wow I never knew Cluck U made it out of the Jersey area. It started out as a Rutgers U thing and spread to all the colleges around NJ.

In college I worked at a chicken wing joint (Cluck-U) that had the hottest sauce I've ever encountered. Called 911, you had to sign a waiver in order to eat it. It was made from oleo resin and smelled like pepper spray. Many a drunk student tried them late at night to end up crying, puking or some combination thereof.

It’s a finger of speech.

“In college, I was up under this microscope everywhere I went.”

Fuck this guy!

Sure, I can agree with that. But most people don’t name their children Chosen and tell people that their newborn is already walking, and tell people they are incomparable to anybody else and blatantly dance around in the faces of people they are trying to disappoint themselves. You’re right, it is okay to do, but it’s

I think you might be “ingesting” it wrong.

The teasing consisted of Testi calling Griffin “Wendy” over and over. As in Wendy’s burger chic/logo. Testi wouldn’t stop calling him Wendy due to their shared trait of being fire-crotches with freckles, and Griffin lost it. Even NBA stardom doesn’t heal the childhood wounds of being made fun of as a redhead. Mixed in