
I have to disagree with people calling this game needlessly heteronormative. Wthout getting into too many specifics, the main “good” ending of the original Catherine involves the main character having to choose to actually commit and marry his girlfriend, or to stop stringing her along and leave her, so that she can

Looking to Japan for progressive-twitter-brand wokeness is gonna leave you wanting. The culture surrounding sexuality and gender roles is pretty ingrained.

I honestly could not finish reading his post because the thought of it was making me sick. That poor man.

100% this. I have a 3 year old daughter and i’ve thought about what i’d do if her OR my wife died...I would feel like one of them would need me. But if they both died? There would be absolutely no reason to go on and there’s nothing anyone could say or do to convince me otherwise.

I honestly don’t know if I would be able to continue on if I lost my wife and little girl and the thought of ever experiencing an ounce of what he’s going through is turning my stomach.  Just an absolute tragedy

Nobody’s expressed an interest in holding you.

By this point, the “not all that” backlash brigade is catching up pretty handily to the devoted superfans (who by now have largely run out of energy compared to the relative-lack-of-fatigue on the part of the no-it-ain’t-ists) in the tiresome

Yeah, the one season and out thing helped. But I’d say you have to put it in context. It doesn’t stand out now that the geek stuff is everywhere, but I remember at the time it had been a long time without a decent space opera that wasn’t just a bunch of guys in Halloween costumes rehashing Star Trek scripts.

What I don’t get is why people feel the need to trumpet the things they DON’T like. There are many series I don’t enjoy, but I don’t wander into articles about them and tear them down. Why not just ignore series you don’t enjoy and move on? Why not spend your time lifting up things you enjoy instead of trashing things

I’m unsure why “cowboys in space” couldn’t have been a long running series. That seems... baseless?

Sloppy work. They omitted his loss to Shirtless Fat Hawaiian minutes earlier.

And the band played on

I find the fact that his name is Jay Dee but his nickname is B.J. for more offensive/questionable than the drunken brawling.

8 fight losing streak

DeShaun Watson was the first guy I thought of when this happened. The Texans have somehow managed to out-Colts the Colts.

The Colts’ solution to having this issue with every one of their quarterbacks is to give Lucas Oil Stadium a retractable roof.

Have always wanted to go to Indy just to visit the Kurt Vonnegut Museum. Has anyone been there before? Worth the trip?

Not afflicted with the small bone?  Nick Foles. 

This Luck retirement is basically the end of Good Will Hunting. True fans of Andrew, the person, always hoped he wouldn’t be there someday because he made it out. Godspeed, Andrew.

If only RGIII had made the prudent decision to retire before the 2013 playoffs...