Gr...grrr....*paralyzed by all the possible response* ...
Gr...grrr....*paralyzed by all the possible response* ...
Survey says
I don’t mean to shade your comment at all because I have not seen the piano— but I do believe you, which makes me question Paquin even more — what happened between then and now?
they’re keeping both the movie industry and the comic-book industry afloat these days.
they’re keeping both the movie industry and the comic-book industry afloat these days.
the fucking nursing home.
Effing Aye.... Especially with a bunch of generic ass dog characters that no one fucking remembers (as high as #8!?)
No Hassan Chop!? (shocking that didn’t make the list). /s
It is -- as long as the people in position are making the plays.
If you want to be competitive then join an all mens or all women league. <<
Yea. >> I think that’s perfectly acceptable in a stunt-based movie like Mission Impossible, though. << I concede that point ... you are right on that.
It’s probably par for the course, and by all accounts I’ve heard this movie is excellent so it certainly didn’t suffer, but am I the only one that hates hearing shit like this:
what’s funny is that I feel like its going to be recursive. Eventually there will be so many separate streaming services that someone will get the bright idea to bundle them together and sell them to consumers in blocks.
Of course 1st episode of any King-related multiepisode outing is going to proceed quickly and sketch out the involved characters< Right.
Ha! Them. I’m talking about them (apologists for most things, really.)
it’s amazing, isn’t it, what people can talk themselves into?
brutality of Chicago winters.....
....Spoken like someone who is actually familiar with Chicago. Take that star.
Right. I think the comment that you respond to is willfully obtuse.