Welcome to 2018....You wanted mob justice and we got it.<<<
Welcome to 2018....You wanted mob justice and we got it.<<<
I think you make some fair points — but two things jump out to me.
If anything, he never consented to the made up rules these fans seem to follow. <<< Most underrated statement I have seen in a while.
Yea... if France took more shots than belgium it certainly discredits the idea that they just hunkered down and played keep-away.
all the stars in the sky.
I appreciate that.
Yea... I didn’t watch the game. I am sure there is a lot more context and nuance to it than I would understand even if I had watched.
[watches the last jedi]
I am sure very few soccer games are actually like the pure-defense hypotheticals that people are throwing around (otherwise people wouldn’t love the game so much).
Right... is the idea that as long as this is a good way to win a match, it will be a bad thing for the sport?
I get what you are saying ... the problem with it is that you are discounting two things: the clock and the size of the field. Which is why this is such a particular problem with soccer.
this is why basketball has a shot clock.... so that a team can’t decide a game by declining to engage or deciding to ‘not play’.
Ha! Right! you can’t take even the most basic common sense for granted anymore.
I agree with you in theory, but had they not specifically tackled the topics of women in authority and income disparity, no one would be defending them, let alone trying to massage them into ‘good’.
See... I thought the casino and holdo were sophomoric garbage ..... but agree the Holdo Maneuver was the best part of an alright movie.
The ham-handedness of canto bight and the undercooked nature of holdo as a character are symptoms of the same problem. It’s like building a house on a shit foundation. This new sequel (so far) doesn’t have enough narrative meat or depth to sustain both Poe and Finn as main plot line characters.
This is the biggest problem. The people that think Canto Bight or Holdo are examples of good film making actually believe it. Their tastes and judgement have been conditioned.
If I saw that kid doing that to my son -- I’d have put that spear into the side of his knees. Ended his AAU career there.