This is also an issue that’s specific to Cam Newton. He’s simply bigger and badder than every other qb. No different than when Shaq was getting absolutely hammered in the NBA.
This is also an issue that’s specific to Cam Newton. He’s simply bigger and badder than every other qb. No different than when Shaq was getting absolutely hammered in the NBA.
This article was trash. I would imagine you’re only around drunk people so much because no one can stand to be sober around you.
Why would anyone that admits he’s watched roughly 15 minutes of Cavs basketball all year feel remotely qualified to comment on how many good basketball men they have?
Counterpoint: You are not doing anything morally wrong and will probably get away with it for a long time. Don’t say anything.
Well done!
Which of course means he’d be republican right? The idea that right are somehow more righteous than the left is laughable. Seriously a scam that could only be pulled on people dumb enough to vote only on their religion.
I love this video
Are you serious? If any term is “loaded” it’s victim. For there to be a victim there has to have been a crime. To describe her as a victim implies that Kane is guilty.
I’m pretty sure Nelly has performed at the Super Bowl
It’s not hard to understand. Some tribes consider “Sioux” a derogatory name, the portrayal of Natives has not been great and many find the whole idea offensive. Your post is seriously about as clownish as it gets, so I wouldn’t concern myself with all of those social justice warriors if I was you.
I'm about 100% positive ND is wrong, but whatever.
If you thought it was Greg Anthony, at least say that's why you posted it. To just change the narrative to "look how violent it is" is bs.
How about this? Fuck you. Your comments suck, and I assume you as a person also suck.