THE #1 movie of the 2010s decade was.... Mad Max? This is peak trying too hard.
THE #1 movie of the 2010s decade was.... Mad Max? This is peak trying too hard.
Netflix cheerfully confirms it’ll cave to any government that asks
With eBay v. Newmark as case law, expecting a corporation to take any stance that risks decreasing shareholder value is utter fantasy. The company will get sued and they’ll lose.
Netflix is going to die. I’m going to stick around for the end to Stranger Things, but there isn’t a ton of stuff that I need, and Disney+ is going to take care of everything my daughter will be into. They still aren’t profitable, by the way, and they have an absurd amount of debt. I’d be shocked if they’re still…
Deadspin and its commentariat was the best thing on the internet.
As an illustration Clark was fine. But this made him a legend:
I grew up in Colombia, where the gangster culture is all around us. Hell I graduated high school with the children of some of Pablo Escobar’s former rivals. And most of us never became gangsters, sure we were friends with those guys and loved the kind of money that we had, but we all grew out of it. Shitheads are…
the comments being turned off for all of those articles is irksome and lame. Jim and Co are cowards
I live in a country where network TV airs all kinds of Hollywood movies, but blurs out guns, cigarettes and alcohol. Literally, there’ll be big blurry blobs on the screen whenever characters are smoking, drinking or having a gunfight.
Counterpoint: fuck that noise. CEOs and quite a few politicians are sociopathic by nature and don’t need movies to tell them to be. Mafia leaders and gang members might identify to a degree to gangster movies, but it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be doing the same things even if they didn’t exist. Most gang members were…
I disagree - it is precisely this kind of art that showed me that a life of crime wasn’t for me - the highs are never worth the lows. Also Jim Spanfeller can eat a dick.
The only two internet commenting communities I visit regularly are the AV Club and Deadspin because they’re such a welcome break from everything else. Can’t believe one of them was just shut down.
God damn.
I’m going to assume (and hope) that the reason you can post this is that times are better for you now.
That’s a lot to go through when you’re that young. Sending you a hug.
It has been a struggle to learn to cook for one. Making a pot of spaghetti now means I’ll be eating spaghetti for approximately 7-8 days. Having no one to share my day with, or check in with was hard enough to adjust to, but cooking for just me is going to be a very long process.
“The hardest part is mealtime”. Well, they’re sure as hell not wrong.
I’m sure you already know this and probably intended it, but I just figured out that this is actually funnier if you post it on every post.