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Yes, apparently:

I'd figure go at it like you would a grapefruit - cut it in half, and use a spoon to hollow it out (eating as you go, of course).

Goals for 2012:

This - These sorts of things are certainly great at 20 below, though.

If you want to make it useful, you can use synergy (search for it one here), and then control it from your desktop. Past that, maybe put together a google home page (I think they still do that) with all that stuff on it, and just leave that up.

I like my five tens, but I've had them for like 8 years, so they're not really representative of the current tech. I'd say see what people at local walls use. Basically, you'll want to go to a good store, and spend a lot of time trying shoes on.

Any idea what that app is called? It'd be handy to have. Also, I too have had problems falling asleep again, and putting the alarm across the room really helped. As another solution, I have an alarm on my iphone that plays music, and I set it to a different song each night, so I don't get used to it.

I actually use the triple baffle tips (I've never really like any other kinds of earbuds), and they fit well and get a great seal.

Huzzah, just tried it at work, and it works great, no noise. I'll definitely keep the USB DACs in mind, didn't know that they were that prevalent. Thanks!

I was finally able to find one at a local radio shack (last one on the rack, and after I bought it, they pulled the tag, so I guess I got lucky. We'll see how well it works. Thanks all for the suggestions.

Hey, FYI, the satellite is NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Program, NPOESS standing for National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System), on which VIIRS is just one of five sensors.

Yes, the most tender steak I've ever head was a cheap cut that I cooked sous vide.

Ahh, there's the difference, you might be able to afford a more regular expense of buying good meat, while I'm a recent graduate, who's happy to be able to afford the stuff that's not on extra sale because it looks bad. I'll be to where you are, and then, yes, I might agree, but for now, it allows me to make some

OOH SHINY! Yeah, my temperature controller is just a simple on/off (it turns off at +1 deg, turns on at -1), so I'll definitely be upgrading in the future.

Heh, I'm a recently graduated aerospace engineer who spent a lot of time on heat transfer stuff. I think I will experiment with my roommate's rice cooker, see how it works, especially for things like eggs.

I actually disagree with your second example - I believe that the crock pot would have a significantly higher water temperature after the delay, because the crock itself represents a significant thermal mass that the bag is also trying to cool (through the water). The rice cooker wouldn't have that thermal mass.

And you are absolutely right. I wonder, though, how many non-touchscreen android devices are there (and I'm not counting the various dock solutions for phones).

I totally forgot about the freezing of liquids, it works great (though butter is my usual go-to - you can almost never go wrong with more butter). It was actually quite convenient when I did turkey for thanksgiving. I was able to do the legs overnight the night before, and the breasts the morning of, all very hands