
@Cam Jamieson: I typically just start googling stuff. Then, I ask here, or my various techie friends.

@Hasteur: Exploring the state, and meeting with some relatives at a lake on Monday and Tuesday (yes, I'm totally taking a 4 day weekend).

@sean98125: A friend of mine wanted to make up shirts like that and go to the premiere, but couldn't get tickets.

Heh, on the Phone Lookup site mine came up correctly, but my Mom's phone came up as some random person somewhere else in the state, and apparently my dad is a construction company.

Team Threesome?

@tomsomething: I do believe that's what folders are for.

@Doctor How: But you don't want it to be just astronauts - you'll need a lot of different folks to start up a colony.

I know what you could use it for - uber camera strap - kind of like one of the lumaloop thingies [gizmodo.com] , but bigger and can hold stuff like batteries and memory cards, etc.

@Kaiser-Machead: I believe Wedge tried to make tuantaun edible, and failed horrible.

@willyu: Function. Of course, I am an engineer.

@Wwhat: But it doesn't add to the force applied to the cranks, thus it's not helping you.

It wouldn't help, and here's why. To move a bike forward, you need to rotate the cranks to turn the chainring to pull on the chain to rotate the sprockets to rotate the rear wheel. That's the primary motion that you need. The fact that pedals spin is just a handy little innovation that makes it easier for us flat

Just set this up this evening, on a wrt54g-tm that I got off of ebay - SUCCESS! I can finally lay in bed and read lifehacker! (as I am doing currently)

@Kraken: I've had nothing but good experiences with them. They usually do everything right the first time, and on the (extremely rare) chance that something gets messed up, they're more than happy to fix it for you. Also, if you're eligible for it, go for their auto insurance. It was the same price to insure two

@digitmint: As said, craft stores. Some hardware stores (more local kind) have it as well.

@leetgeek: I'm pretty sure I've seen them for rent in home depot.

@hbuzzell: I've heard that you can't send anything that rattles (e.g. skittles)

@Orion126: I have access to one at work...

I really hope that gets fast tracked for humans, as it would make prosthetics much easier to use.

@Phoshi: Hmm, quite tempting. If I hadn't just dug out Thief, I might have to dig that out. I guess it will just have to go next on the play list.