Ehh, this is why I read The Order of the Stick:
Ehh, this is why I read The Order of the Stick:
@Phoshi: I can't really justify buying on steam, when I know I have a good copy running around somewhere. Also, what system are you running it on? (as in does it work in Win 7, if that's what you're running)
@AD: As a bass bone player, you could do better than a tenor...:)
@nyCecilia: Having read around, I probably wouldn't get one, and instead spend 1/4 of what you would on a really good steam cleaner for your carpet. Does wonders for getting dirt out.
@Garrett Llewellyn: I've heard (though not tried, and it might not work in your case) that if your dog sees/smells you peeing on something, they'll want to pee there. Not so sure you want to do this in the city, but it might be something to try as a last resort. Might research into it first, though.
@jmpawlowski: I keep wanting to do a local microbrewery tour for my gf's birthday, but can never remember to reserve spots early enough.
@rothgar: That would be quite tempting, and since I wouldn't have to worry about warranty voiding nonsense or anything like that, it would be a good option. For food I just usually keep a rolling stock of sandwich materials in the fridge, although you might want to be wary of thieves (depends on the office).
@Platypus Man: If you want to rig something up, you could probably get a small simple pump at a hardware store, or probably even a pet store, and hook up a little tube with a bend in it, and set that in the water bowl for the same effect, albeit tackier looking.
So, I don't know anything about swapping sim cards between phones. I have a dumbphone from AT&T with a 3g sim in it, with a pretty basic plan. Can I just buy an iPhone (or other smartphone) off of craigslist or whatever and put my sim in it? I know I won't magically have a data plan, but can it be that easy?
@Chgu: You kind of just have to go straight for the lifelong traumatization with that one, and just sit them down to watch the movie. Then, CPS will come take the kid away, and it's not your problem anymore!
@jbarr: Damn, I was going to say that.
@farcedude: test
@Moxie6: The problem with that is that they've been working with these authors for decades, and they'd basically be slapping them in the face.
@Malcontent79: The problem with that is that there's a solid continuity set up after Jedi, and anything that Lucas did would just be screwing it up. You'd basically be saying to all the authors, "Thanks for playing, but everything that you wrote doesn't mean anything now."
@icecreamman: And it always seems like the golf clubs never go quickly enough.
@bucklefilledbird (Gadget Music is the New Punk Rock!): I'd imagine (though I don't know) that it would have been hard to make CRT's at much higher aspect ratios than 1.33 due to the stresses involved.
A FOURTH Pirates movie? What are they smoking?
Yay, someone who writes about DEET without bashing it!
@chadbeckwith: Honestly, I didn't notice until you said it. And now it bugs me.