
For those of you who use Google Voice, I have a question. At work here, we have a 'duty phone' that people have to carry nights/weekends/etc, just in case shit breaks and someone needs to fix it. From the 'one number' video, it sounds like we could just replace this phone with a google voice account, and just have it

@Jimmy Tango: Really? I'm only slightly annoyed, but kind of glad because it means that it's one less thing to distract me during the day. I can understand it wanting to do it from the tethered computer. That's cool. And certainly not worthy of 'Screw you Apple'. Feeling overprivileged, much?

@Benjammn: It is supposed to work with the touch. (source: Steve Jobs at WWDC keynote).

@tkuhl87: I dunno, having a police officer for a dad cured me of that at a young age - I knew that if I got caught, I'd be skinned alive, with it going up one flagpole and the rest of me up another. I usually speed a little bit (to follow traffic), but I'd much rather enjoy the scenery, which is why I live in Colorado

@Phoshi: YAY! Phoshi's here!

@will_hopkins: I did it about two years ago, and yes, it was awesome.

@Hasteur: Celebrating the gf's birthday tonight with good local microbrews and friends, and then hopefully doing some local hiking and fishing this weekend.

@bdinger: I do the minor repairs and maintenance (change fluids/brakes/sparkplugs), but as comodidit says, I'd rather leave the big stuff to people who know what they're doing. Also, I don't have a spare car, so I can't afford to take apart the engine, only to find that I need to order another tool/part/whatever. I

Gotta admit, I bought the soundtrack to that movie 10 years before I even saw it for the first time. Because it was Transformers. And they were awesome.

@aquajaws: It also mixes them, so you get a mix of the properties of the two metals.

@BobotheTeddy: So, the deal is that they put it in an orbit that will take it to Venus, and they'll be using the solar pressure for orbit correction.

@Philip Marquis: I can't because I'm trying to run the wireless between two buildings.

@Jeremy Bensley: afaik, it depends on the router involved. Some advertise simultaneous dual band, which means it can handle G and N side by side, so one connection can be dedicated to the G.

@thechansen: Heck, if someone is on death row, and willing to go on a solo one way mission, why not?

Wonder how long it will take some kid to spraypaint their gun black, and subsequently get shot.

Hmm, not working for me any more. Could possible be because when I clicked the 'zombies' tag to the right of the stories, it showed all the stories related to the tea party. Hmmm.