Sweet, we get to be invaded on my birthday! Best fireworks EVAR!
Sweet, we get to be invaded on my birthday! Best fireworks EVAR!
@cameron: Build a compost tumbler
Sadly, I have a crappy satellite internet connection at home, rendering dropbox near useless at my house. Thus, the thumbdrive still reigns supreme in my realm.
@e-gadgetjunkie: No. It could be worse, my girlfriend wants a fish finder ;-)
@AtomFury: Successful launch and first stage separation!
@e-gadgetjunkie: I'd recommend a Cuisinart stand alone food processor, like this one:
@jupiterthunder: hmmm, it should be www dot spacex dot com/webcast.php
@jupiterthunder: DIYers (if that is construed as a separate group - there are magazines for it, so I'd say so)
@farcedude: Hmm, auto aborted at like t-2 seconds. Interesting. Apparently they're now in another hold, and will see if they get another launch.
@pinecone99: That's what I always figured it was.
You should all be watching the spacex launch in 4 minutes:
@jupiterthunder: That's okay. I've had to be told multiple times each day this week what day it was.
@philosopher_dog: I'd like to see the numbers on toxicity levels in humans verse what's released in normal cooking.
I remember hearing basically to buy the cheapest spun wok you can get, and do your own seasoning (which you'll need to do anyway, iirc). That being said, I have a very nice steel wok hanging on the wall waiting to be seasoned, while I have a teflon wok that gets used at least twice a week for all manner of things,…
@lalov1: I'd probably be there (heck, I work 1/4 mile from the finish), but I'll be on a river in Wyoming. Suggestions? Pace yourself. But you probably already know that. Have fun!
@Stephen.Lecheler: Can't wait for season 3 on LoN.
@Chispea: 3 day river trip, on the North Platte River in Wyoming. Should be fun! (But lots of driving, not so much.)
@Sorc: Hear Hear! I've brushed a foot of snow off the grill multiple times to fire that sucker up for some ribs.