
I figure the solution to this is to:

Just wanted to stop by, say hi, and make you all jealous, cause I'm leavin' work early to go fishing! Woot!

@gMan: USAA. My girlfriend is happy enough with Wells Fargo, though.

@zporkz: Maybe keep your money in a billfold, and keep your cards/id separate, in another pocket or something like that.

@thebootyfaerie: Exactly. My boss left for two and a half weeks (getting back this coming Monday), and our big ship day was last Friday. So, in the meantime, I've been covering his job, in addition to mine. The good news, is that we've known about this for months, so we could arrange it so it could actually work, so

@thebootyfaerie: Same here, on your last line there. Otherwise, as long as I let people know well ahead of time, vacation time is part of my compensation, so I'm going to make full use of it, or get paid back for it some how.

@uncreativedude: It's not hipster, but it doesn't seem 'real' to me. I watched their 'denim' video, and I want a pair of jeans that I can wear to actually do stuff in, and then wash, and repeat ad nauseum, rather than something that's an article of fashion. I get a lot of what they're saying, but about half of it

@DocBadwrench: I thought that ended up being vaporware, but I don't know where to look.

@mochie: Nice style guide, might bookmark that.

@nka: That's why I locked my doors when I lived with other folks, and kept my stuff in my room. But yeah, can understand the anger.

@nka: I'd start with that, yes. Do you have a multimeter (or access to one through a friend or work)? If so, I'd pull the front panel out, and check the resistance between the various connectors and the ground at the pins that plug into the motherboard.

@Stephen.Lecheler: Ehhh, just had a shot of tequila with lime mixed in last night, and that was rather tasty. Probably have another one tonight.

@Stephen.Lecheler: nevermind. And yes, breaking balsa wood over someone's head would be satisfying.

@jazzytay: As far as I've been able to tell, what those detergents actually do is increase the reflectivity of the cloth, thus more light is reflected back at you, making the cloth appear more colorful than it is (or was).

@Unionhawk: The problem is that you hold the keys to what people view as a good source of information. Impeccability is part of the game. And yes, I know how hard it can be to be held to an impossible standard. My (uneducated) advice wrt to Wikipedia would be to keep editing, and try to make good edits, and not say

@pinecone99: I too have found I like a toaster oven better (especially since ours does convection, and is big enough to do small pizzas, even. We mostly use the microwave for heating water, but are actually using a stove more for that anymore. The toaster oven certainly reheats food in a more tasty manner.

@Mr_Bloggerific: Back when I had a Dell Axim X5, I had this awesome app called Ephemeris that (appropriately) gave the position in the sky of the sun and the moon from your position. Haven't been able to find anything free quite like it for ipod touch. *tear*

@Prairie Moon: (honest question) Does anyone poke anymore?

@CarrieC: As far as I can tell (from my ipod touch), is that you're filling up the available memory for Safari, and it's dumped the old pages to make way for your newer pages. Basically, less pages are your friend. I can't speak to the slowness though.