
@Victor L: It's just that she didn't want the long slow suffering. I can make it faster/more humane than that, and she's totally cool. She doesn't like them any more than I do, as they've been chewing on the tomato plants that she's been trying to get started indoors.

@comodidit: Make sure you're tall enough for it. My girlfriend had a Suzuki SV650 that was too tall for her, and she could only barely keep it upright at stop lights.

@Buster Friendly: I've been pretty much debating the same thing. Not too impressed, recently.

@jazzytay: Hey, that's smart. I think I'll try that one.

@AndyMan1: Yes (jealous - my girlfriend is allergic, so I can't have one).

@Stephen.Lecheler: As to the pointing device, I usually use a capped ballpoint pen, but if you need something longer a stick of balsa wood would be light and not damage the screen.

@zombies.like.lattes.too: I'll look into it, but my girlfriend isn't really into the glue traps. But that's because they have them at her work, and they let the little buggers sit there and die a slow painful death. I like your method, though. I might skip the bucket for something a little more direct though.

@dboudwin: Problem is, we have dogs, and the dogs seem to like DCON as well.

@Buster Friendly: I won't be leaving a tip. Cause I could, I could shut this whole resort down. Sir?! I could take my traveler's checks to a competing resort. I could write a letter, to your board of tourism and I could have this place condemned. I could put, I could put strychnine in the guacamole, there was salt on

So, I have a mouse problem. I'm investigating how they got in (probably my fault, door left open sort of thing), but that's not what I'm asking about. In my house, mice and packrats get no quarter. They've ignored live traps, and eaten holes in my precious items too many times. So, what I'm wondering is, what have

For me, that's what a pickup truck is for. Fill it up, and drive to the dump. Then again, I live out of town, about 15 minutes from a dump. I can see how folks in different situations could use this.

@Wolfess: Been there, done that. Sunrises, it turns out, are actually worth waking up to.

@lalov1: Ahh, but that's what I already drink. And I can't find it in Florida, when I travel there.

@Wolfess: Either you're really lazy, or in Hawaii. Which is it?

@emren: Congrats on the new netbook! (And surviving the week!) Go out! Have a beer! (or some wine, or mead is usually good, ... you get the idea)

@korpo53: You know where I can find out more about this?

So, I travel occasionally for work. I also have favorite local beers that I like. Sadly, I can't take them with me when I travel. What are people's suggestions for brands that are easier to find nationwide, that are tasty and not swill?

@D Wiz: It depends. If I have to be somewhere soon, I stay on. If not, I get off, have lunch, go for a walk, and get back on in an hour or three.