
@dreniam: I would be, except I'm in CO.

So I just got an iPod touch. (squee!) What apps do I need, and are there any particularily good cases? Thanks.

@Pyroticsky: They were apparently drinking swill (coors light, I believe), and were about 5 beers in, so I believe it.

@Rai Copeland: For the sake of your liver, don't go to a bar and get stupid drunk on cheap stuff. Go to a friend's house, or sit around a campfire, or something with good friends, and drink some good beer. Or some good liquor. Just buy the the good stuff, and don't abuse it.

One thing my girlfriend used to do at parties is get people 'refills on their beers'. When they emptied their bottles, and they'd clearly had enough, she'd offer to take their bottle and get another one . What's she'd actually do is rinse it out, fill it up with tap water, and give it back to the guy/gal. Apparently,

@farcedude: And I'm not entirely correct, it turns out. See the link in devwild's post above - basically you can cook meat at a high temperature for a short period of time to sterilize it, or a low temperature for a long period of time.

@neekap: For ground beef, yes. The bacteria that people worry about gets on the surface of cuts of meat during the slaughter process. Grinding the beef mixes this bacteria all throughout the meat in that batch (which is why ground beef recalls are so fracking huge). With a steak, the bacteria is only on the outer

@TehBeardMan: What I've heard (and makes sense to me) is that as long as you have quality meat (not the bargain bin at Walmart), and you cook the outside of the meat afterwards (in a frying pan or on a grill, for example), you'll be all right. You're essentially getting the same effect as you would cooking a steak

@Lord_Data: Same here. I actually put the sawdust in the egg carton (still whole), and pour wax over the whole thing. Keeps it waterproof, and then you just cut them off when you need one. And they really do burn for 15 minutes.

@korrupt9187: My trick was getting regular exercise. Try ultimate, or a martial art.

@lindsayk: I've had these for 8 years, and they've sounded great the whole time. ($25)

@RMichaelRae: Wow. Just, wow. 'viral' advertising taken just a little too far.

@Gregsaw: I'd start with rubbing alcohol.

@Chispea: Try hectic month. We have a big product delivery in mid-May, and while we shouldn't have a problem making it, no one's going to be working on any side projects for a while. And of course, all the students we have are trying to get finals done, so they're out. So, yeah, I feel you. At least it's friday, and I

@bayern: You sound like you know something about this...care to share?

@GB Crush: I would imagine it is when you're sitting level with the bottom of the screen (as most home setups are).

@Possums: I actually read that one in elementary school for a speech contest. Another poem of his (not telling which, of course) will probably be my next password source.

Don't know about that, but my method has been to take lines from semi-obscure poems, and take the first letter of each word, inserting punctuation and or numbers as needed for password strength requirements.