
@Tom Harris: If you just want it to use your iPod Touch, I remember lifehacker did an article on using a usb wireless dongle to make a wifi access point ([lifehacker.com]). I'd suggest this, as then you wouldn't have to deal with all the network stuff, and your computer would pass the internet through to your iPod.

@halcyon22: Agreed, my girlfriend and I did that last year, and ended up with lots of tasty food. I just wish we'd done it a little smaller though - stick to 4x4 boxes a foot tall, and make more of them - they'll be easier to weed/cover/harvest.

@screenmutt: Same here! Another place to look at donating food to is soup kitchens and the like - whenever we have extra food at harvest time (what are we going to do with 20 lbs of beets anyway) we take them to local soup kitchens and homeless shelters, which are more than happy to make ginormous loads of beet

@creeront: @dotuletz: @deanhatescoffee: @Michael Huang: @leaderbuilder: @MaxellDVD: @comodidit: @thereal_angel12: @farcedude: First - Thanks all a bunch for the help - you all are why I keep coming back here. Here's what worked for me!

@leaderbuilder: Heh, don't think I can find a 20 GB hd these days. Would making an iso of the drive, and then hacking on that work?

@Alaska Jack: I don't have anything on the pack, but it's good to see Alaskans on LH (being a (regrettably) former Alaskan myself).

@Firesphere: I had a smiilar problem with ide drives under WinXP, and what solved it for me was getting a bigger power supply (upgraded from 300W to 550W). However, the only reason I needed it is because I had upgraded the ram, hd's, video, and sound cards too.

@infmom: I would actually say the 650W was a good purchase - My current computer came with a 300W, and after I'd upgraded just about everything, the hard drives kept 'disappearing'. Upgraded to a 550W, and they stopped disappearing. I think as you go on, and add video and sound (which you'll probably do eventually)

@magzalez: Used to do cross-country skiing in high school, but mainly just spend time in the outdoors now (casual downhill skiing, hiking, a little ultimate tossed in).

@Tsylord: Short answer: Don't even worry about that yet. That's years down the road.

@comodidit: What is this 'un-format' of which you speak? It might be what I'm looking for.

@Whitson Gordon: And to think, I almost went to university of michigan. If you can get ahold of any, New Belgium's Mothership Wit is a great wheat beer year round.

Need help with data recovery software recommendations. So, I accidentally did a high level reformat (aka not a write-over) of my girlfriends laptop hard-drive. I've already pulled it from the computer, and I'm going to pick up an enclosure after work today. My plan is to make an image of the drive, and then work off

@Whitson Gordon: Ehh, microbrews are where it's at. Look for (good) brewpubs, and also look for the 'microbrew' aisle in your local (good) liquor store. We're not talking the typical corner cheap beer, wine, and liquor place. We're talking the one that takes up half a city block, and half of that is great wine.

@Whitson Gordon: Who says you need warm weather for a good wheat :-)

@wildeyedboy: For bread, what my girlfriend and I do is just put a warm damp towel over the pan, and then put it next to a heater we have. We've used either a ceramic heater which blows air, or an oil heater ([www.homedepot.com]). Basically, the towel keeps it moist, and the heater keeps it warm. We've also put the

@Buster Friendly: Neato! I'll try it out as soon as my next few crazy weeks are over.

@farcedude: Hmmm, works in IE8, but not Firefox 3.6.2...