@y0urm0msname: Pansies.
@y0urm0msname: Pansies.
@MBerggruen: Depends on the bike and the elements. As m4nm4n said, a tarp is a decent solution for cheap/beater bikes that you don't really care about. However, if you've spent more than about $200 (in my amateur estimation) on a bike, it's worth it to find room inside, or at least in a shed. Water does nasty stuff to…
@Buster Friendly: Sorry I wasn't clear on that, it would be a fresh install.
@Thespamhere: I think a lot of p&s cameras have a macro mode these days - usually indicated by a little flower. I use it all the time to take fairly close pictures of hardware at work.
@whiteflea: No wonder, it's like the best vehicle EVAR!
So, I have an MSI Wind U100 (1.6 ghz processor, 1 GB ram, 80 gig hd), and I recently came into the possession of a Windows 7 Enterprise license. I remember hearing talk about how Win 7 was supposed to be great on netbooks, but I was wondering if that applied to the enterprise version, and if anyone had any specific…
@AmphetamineCrown: I thought they had actually disproven that. I don't have a source, though.
@nka: My personal favorite is a Subaru Legacy (either the normal or Outback) wagon. It drives great, gets decent mileage, and you can pick up one from around 2000 for ~$5500. I just got a 99 outback last august, and I'm loving it.
@snidelywhiplash: That is our plan for the future, but we're just not there yet.
@caseyatherton: My plan (when I order one of these in the next day or so) is to take it in, fill up the tub most of the way, get in, and keep filling until I feel comfortable with the water level. Then, I mark it with a permanent marker. Voila! no problem.
@sam-a: That's the problem that I have, but my solution is a pot full of hot water from the shower, which runs in another room off of another water heater. Or, we've put water on the stove to heat up in the past. Inefficient? Yes. Does it give an extremely satisfyingly hot bath? YES!
@iSmithx_reloaded: I saw a guy on Wednesday with half his face shaved - the right half of his face was grown out by about 3/4", while the left side was smooth. Weird.
@Bonsai_halcyon: I plan to do the one in Colorado. And yes, it does look like fun. The closest thing I'd done previously was the Muddy Buddy, which was really fun as well (but which is apparently now $150 per two person team. So much for that one).
@Nitesh Singh: Kodiak Brown (They're fracking huge)
@farcedude: Lawful Good.
@Buster Friendly: I have the same, and really haven't had any problems. But, I haven't tried to dig around in it at all, either.
@bornonbord: I'd guess it's the heater itself making the noise - maybe see if the heater needs a muffler, or something similar.
@thecrito: What size/quantity are we talking about? Dremels are good for detail work typically, but I wouldn't recommend them for actually cutting up big stuff. I'd probably recommend a circular saw (go to sears or other hardware store of choice and check them out), and possibly a table saw, if you're looking to, say,…
@Chispea: I seem to remember myself as testing INTJ. It sounds right, anyway.