@bornonbord: I'd wonder if it wasn't clogged somewhere down in there. Do you get decent flow through it? If not, maybe run one of those duct cleaner snakes through it.
@bornonbord: I'd wonder if it wasn't clogged somewhere down in there. Do you get decent flow through it? If not, maybe run one of those duct cleaner snakes through it.
google news during the day, npr on the drive to and from work, and newspaper on the weekend.
@SquaredCircle: I don't know if this is a bigger hassle, but maybe make another windows account for browsing at work (or at home), and I would guess you could maybe do the proxy in one, but not the other?
@TheFu: Try this link.
@Bonsai_halcyon: "Gatorade not only quenches your thirst better, it tastes better too. "
@JBu92: See if you can be an 'assistant' somewhere for the summer, in a field you're interested in. I'm in aerospace engineering, and like airplanes, so one summer I decided to be an aircraft mechanic's assistant to learn about the real side of the business. Or, work at a summer camp, or something. What's so bad about…
@Springo: I prefer gatorade, you can find the powders in most grocery stores (try looking either where they have bottle gatorade or around the lemonade mix).
@JCiccone: I've had pretty good luck with these, and as long as you don't abuse the cord (don't wind it around your mp3 player) they hold up all right. Sound quality is not the greatest, but they're pretty cheap, and they at least fit my head pretty well.
@comodidit: Unless you need a higher credit limit, or have some other complaint, I'd stick with that card. Keep building good history, and then when you move on to the next stage of your life, look at a card with a (slightly) higher limit).
@kettlewhistle: If you don't have a prototype built yet, I'd start there (if it's possible). Then, I'd look at cost analysis stuff (there are books on this, check the library), to be able to show people that you've thought about it, and that it should be profitable.
@JanetCarol: I haven't tried to regrade a yard, but I've done a little bit of reworking the land in a garden. For something smaller, I'd just rototiller the whole thing, and use a rake (the stiff kind, that whacks you in the face when you stand on it) to even it out. For something that size, maybe look at renting a…
@UnderLoK: One thing I'd heard is that your prescription can't have changed appreciably in the last 6-12 months, or they won't do it. Just what I'd heard though. Also, if you'll be jerking your eyeballs around or flying (as in being the pilot), you might want to consider prk instead of lasik - instead of flipping up a…
@jupiterthunder: Part of my thing is that I (and my girlfriend) don't want to put ourselves into debt on a wedding that people don't have fun at. We're basically going to try for a simple outdoors ceremony, and a simple outdoor reception - with square dancing, pig roast, and beer. We're not going to pay a caterer, or…
@jupiterthunder: Maybe - I don't feel like I need a crazy video of it - and neither does my girlfriend. Basically, I was thinking along the lines of something I'd heard where instead of having an official photographer, one couple just passed out disposable cameras, and collected them at the end of the night. They had…
@Crashman06: I'd consider getting more smaller cheaper ones ('flip' comes to mind), and giving them to folks with different interests (say, one to a grandparent, one to a bridesmaid, etc.)
@Chispea: I name my computers after ships captained by John Paul Jones. Definitely obscure.
@Kraken: I'd use irfanview (just google it). It has a nice batch conversion feature - go to FileBatch..., and when that's open, look under conversion settings for advanced, and in that window you can set image sizes.
@Jimmy From The Block: Actually good chocolate, and live plants. For the chocolate, look for a chocolate shop in your area - you'll get stuff that's fresher, and I'd bet you'll be able to sample little bits.
@Vensaina: I grew up in Fairbanks, AK, and my sport in high school was cross-country skiing. We had an excellent ski area 10 minutes from my house that was borough (like a county) owned and tax supported, so you could ski whenever you wanted. I have since moved to Colorado, and have been sorely disappointed by the…
@Chispea: Yeah, I think the DoD is wrong too - when I was in the Navy, whenever I wanted to go home on leave (to Alaska), I had to get OutConUS (Outside the Continental US) leave papers done up, and signed, and it was a pain in the ass.