
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: 9. With more research into it, we'd reach a programming revolution with the Ballmer Peak

@Eric Geller: I'm currently working on alcohol stoves for a survival kit. Besides that, it's a good chance to wipe and reinstall your os.

@TehBeardMan: That reminds me - that did help me through some days that would have been very sluggish - I had a running group that expected me there unless I was actually sick, and I felt much better after a morning workout and a good shower.

@copjon: Yeah, doesn't work for me - I just shove the dog out the door (I live on a large fenced property) and go back to sleep.

@Tsylord: It depends on what I had planned. If there's nothing planned (say a Saturday with no real plans), I listen to my body, because if it's telling me it wants to do nothing, there's usually a reason (it's try to fight of the early stages of a cold, etc.). We've kind of forgotten how, but your body actually does

@Johann Schmidt: I don't have any experience with NAS, but I'd lean in that direction, as having them all on your desktop is a little more of a single point of failure, and I'd imagine you can get an empty NAS (no or few hard drives present) with plenty of expansion space for less, and you could then more easily get

@JanetCarol: Can you bring some west? Like to the Denver area? Please?

@TehBeardMan: That would be nice, yes. In the meantime, I just hit 'end' to take me to the bottom of the page, hit "Expand all threads", mentally shake my fist at the gawker tech people, and then remember that I couldn't program my way out of a hole, much less do something this nice.

Must. Resist. Temptation. torunoutandbyaniphone RIGHT NOW. Darn it, there are times that being a poor college student is real annoying. And that data plan ain't getting any cheaper.

I'd only pay as much as a paperback. Otherwise, I'll just wait 6-12 months after a book comes out for the paperback version.

@Andrew Freedman: I know that with some plants that come as bulbs you have to keep them cool for some period of time before planting - basically simulating winter. My girlfriend has some in the fridge currently, as a matter of fact, but I don't know any details on how long.

@EndlessBliss: Honestly, not having a tv. I used to stay up to the wee hours of the nights with my roommates watching tv, and since I've moved into a place without one, I've found myself better for it. I get more stuff done, and I get more sleep.

@ThrasherC: (This is entirely my speculation) I think it would be all in how you support it. If you only bolt it in a couple places through drywall, it's not going to hold up very well. But if you put good screws through to the studs, say 6-8 for the pictured piece, I bet it would hold up just fine.

@iamnotafish: Yeah, one of my office mates totally plays her music really loudly, even though the rest of us all wear headphones. We've hoped she would notice, but we'll probably have to be a little more direct. As far as me,

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: I can't find anyone to blame. But, I'm in a band at school (as in the type with flutes and clarinets and trumpets and...) and I sit in the back and play trombone, so I can pretty much guarantee a lot of people getting it from me, thanks to the attendance policy - unless you or a very close

@grewal12: I dunno, I actually didn't feel the imax vs non-imax 3d were that different (yeah, I know, I'm weird). Also, the imax 3d glasses didn't fit right, and the reald ones did. But that is entirely my experience.

@lozer4all: I like it too, actually. I think it allows me to concentrate on one thread, and not worry about the others.

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: Yeah, I'm sick too, but when we have to ship our hardware, WE HAVE TO SHIP OUR HARDWARE. narr. Also, I carpool with my girlfriend, so it's not like I could go home early anyway.

@tuxus: Probably so, but not quite to this extent naturally - I have Crohn's disease, which means it's a lot harder to get nutrients absorbed in my gut (I'm working on it), and I am following doctors instructions on other better sources of calories. I just really like this one ;-)