Muahahaha! Finally remembered to write down my questions. So here's one:
Muahahaha! Finally remembered to write down my questions. So here's one:
@cdb273: I've been extremely happy with my Chrome Metropolis bag. Absolutely indestructible, rainproof, fairly comfy, and can hold a surprisingly large amount of stuff (and comfortably, too).
@Bobly: I actually add an extra twist in the first step, and end up with a pretty bombproof knot, even if it is based on a 'granny knot'. Hasn't come undone on me yet.
@Chispea: (this is to all the ipod touch people) Are the features of the 32 GB worth it? (The extra speed, voice navigation, etc.)
@farcedude: Also, it seems that the notification of replies at the top of [] is now specific to comments made on lh, and the ones on giz to comments on giz.
@Whitson Gordon: But, I think that might be something interesting to the community. Maybe have it hidden with a little plus sign next to it if it gets excessive, say 3 lines or more? This could also handle the other messages (edited, starred, etc.).
@farcedude: So I'm picking up on the iPod Touch love. Anyone got the 8 GB that they wish was a 32 or 64? I don't need the music functionality so much, as I already have an iPod video for the heavy lifting. Anyone run out of space app wise?
@farcedude: Huh, and now I can 'promote' it. Weird. This seems to be an oftly godlike power.
@UnMicD: I didn't notice it until today either. Try it on this comment.
@Bonsai_halcyon: Something to carry with me, preferable in a pocket.
I'm trying to get my life on track, and keeping track of stuff (purchases, events, contacts) has never been easy for me. I'm looking for something that can help me with this. I'm wondering what fellow lifehackers have found that worked well for them, anything from an ipod touch sort of thing down to a pen and paper.…
@Tankueray: I wouldn't be surprised if I could find (or with a couple years work, make) one that would wait until, say, 5 hours after I land to turn on and start broadcasting.
@peteboy1: Not a bag I'm talking about. I'm thinking a nice Pelican style case, with guards around the locks.
@farcedude: Just checked TSA website, and it sounds like you are supposed to have a locking system that they can't open, as you are supposed to provide your key when you hand over your case so they can inspect it, and then give the key back to you after re-locking it.
The way I read it, you get to use your own lock (and can't use a TSA approved lock) on your own case. Thus, what I would do if I had to check valuables, is get a nice case, put my starter pistol in, put in a GPS tracking device, put in my equipment, and then put on the biggest baddest lock I could find. If it gets…
@luckycharms: I was completing a move cross country by flying, and had a brainfart and packed my little folder of DVD's in my duffle bag, which I checked. Lo and behold, guess what I was missing when I landed? My DVDs. Nothing else, though.
They almost lost me at hand sort, but really lost me at 'puffs of mold'. I just want the caffeine, and don't really care if you call me a philistine.
@Nick2: Good catch. I've actually been hoping for good bluetooth headphones for a while, but haven't seen anything worth it. My ideal device would be something about the size of a small tablet (~8 in) that I could carry around in my bag, and take calls from, and listen to music from, on bluetooth headphones. Pull it…
@wickedcupofjoe: Yeah, but with a paperback, you're out what, 7 bucks? I'd rather that than, what, the $230 they're charging for the good e-readers these days?
@Arphahat: It's no worse than having it in your pocket, for as @Improbable says, it isn't actively cooling. Heck, your pocket is probably worse, because it insulates better than this bag will.