Think it’s time for me too, tired of all the junk ads and clickbaity articles now... And of course a pop-up ad took over my screen while typing this. Good riddance.
Think it’s time for me too, tired of all the junk ads and clickbaity articles now... And of course a pop-up ad took over my screen while typing this. Good riddance.
Not that it's important, but everywhere else is claiming he's 36 fyi
Aren’t you fun
I’m seeing a trend in this thread. It’s ok to say slurs as long as I put “quotation” marks around it.
Should’ve got a JimBob
Sounds like a smart fella
Where did you go?! I’ve been super sad without my highlight reel 😩
And then they realized they made a mistake and rescinded the award and gave it to the true winner, your ex right after you broke both broke up.
and your comments have 0 likes.... I’m seeing a pattern
Thank you for your response and assuming good intent, definitely not trying to be a dick on a subject like this. It’s something I’ve been mulling over and wanted to get other’s perspective on. Prior to reading some of the comments, my opinion was as follow: If some back end support committed sexual misconduct, I’m…
Guessing a lot of people are going to boycott the film.. question: If let’s say the lead costume designer or one of the script writers were accused of sexual assault... do you think there would be the same level of outrage? Or is this only reserved for key players like main actors and directors?
I stopped riding 15 years ago because of iPhones.
If there’s poon, there’s gotta be peen
Don’t be an idiot and comment after you watch the video
Get off jalopnik with this hate speech.
I have co workers too! Cotd
Not a car but for some reason I've become obsessed with off road trek vehicles like jeeps and old land cruisers. Try my damnest to refrain from selling my 2016 gti and getting this guy…