
I’m straight! I promise!

See! I’m even married! To a WOMAN!

You go girlfriend.

Fuck this and fuck the Royals.

Best pro-wrestling promo ever.

If women were good at acting they would get paid more.

There is a disparity of pay because there is a disparity of talent.

Brown guys, picking up all of our trash est. 1829

Don’t break the law to impress a girl on your cute little bicycle and you will be less likely to get hurt.

Does doing this to a family sedan make girls forget that you have a tiny penis? Did I miss that memo?

Brb, gotta go to the local Datsun dealership.

There is no chance that Khloe isn’t guilty here. She 100% paid someone to drug and kill him but it blew up in her face.

They weren’t heckling him, they were standing in solidarity with him as they all have also raped women who said no.


Sorry, this has been rendered a ‘normal bat flip’ after last night.

Don’t fucking bring your baby to a post-season baseball game, Fat moron.

This fucking ump is lucky that Bautista came up and fixed his horrible mistake for him, we would have lynched that fat fuck.

This is an abomination.

This is fucking ridiculous.

Just play the video game and shut the fuck up.

Or don’t, nobody cares.

Retirement crisis?

In this economy, just never assume you will ever be able to retire.

Unless you’re from money, you will be working until the day you die.


Why do christians think the only way to gain favour with jesus is to give people money?

I love when lily white folks get offended on behalf of black people.

To a bunch of nobody writers he is racist, but to the black community in the movie industry this man is a hero.