
Exactly. I’m not gonna go out of my way to praise this kind of representation which doesn’t really represent anyone and can be read a myriad ways. 

As a gay guy, I find this constant sorta take on such things to be, by this point, tired, if not slightly offensive.  Sure, I’m fine with people giving it a queer reading (and afterall, two women DO make out), but going so far to say this is adding to the LGBTQ canon??  WTF.

“Edgy” straight Democrat-style liberals really don’t give a shit about gay identity anymore, do they? Sure, right, these gimmicky pod people suffice to embody gay and lesbian perspectives, or whatever, just any old thing will do, huh?

If Gestalt really is just one person, one consciousness, operating these bodies simultaneously, then the idea of naming them and addressing each one as an individual makes zero sense. I mean, if I met someone who told me that they’d named their hands and feet and expected me to address each one by name and gender, I’d

I know I’m probably going to get a ton of flack for this, but I just rewatched the movie and i have to say, it was pretty bad.

boob armor is dumb

Looks like someone just saw Metropolis for the first time.

I would normally agree, but in the context of the fiction of the show she is not African-American. Because she, like all of the other witches, doesn’t consider herself human. They are witches first, second and last and separate from humanity in every meaningful way. I mean, that’s the major crux of the show - Sabrina,

This is the sense I got. The character seems pretty casting neutral; doesn’t interact with or mention her own race, doesn’t utilize any americentric racial cultural markers. It seems like the character was written as a blank slate mean girl that could have been played by anyone.

I have laid into CAoS in another post for poor writing, acting, drama, and character, so not coming into this as a show defender. I feel you have taken tropes and turned them into intention. Yes, a black woman was magically hanged. She was magically hanged for actually trying to kill someone, not for her skin color,

I understand the implications of a black person being hanged, but I don’t know what the solution to this situation is. No witches in the show are hanged? No witches in the show are black? No witches that are hanged are black? None of the Weird Sisters should be black?

Here's a thought, maybe Prudence wasn't even written with race in mind. I think that makes the show stronger, because she isn't at all defined by her skin color

I think the important bit is that the show had Two conflicts it wanted to talk about. the Human Vs Witch conflict, and the power dynamics within the Coven (Patriarchal or otherwise). The two conflicts are separate but intersect heavily within Sabrina. However, everything within the show happens wihin the context of

Ultimately, there’s no real reason the Weird Sisters had to be hanged.”

Umm... wasn’t it because all the dead children were hung to death during the harrowing (which culminates in them being hung) and so it was a “taste of your own medicine” thing? The ghost children were getting revenge on the sisters by punishing

I stopped reading about halfway through. This is some reaching shit right here, man.

Black people can be horribly prejudiced, just as anyone else. Anyone (including a white person) can call a racist black person on their bullshit, fuck optics.

I almost can’t believe how ignorant this article is..... 

13 witches hung in the past in the story. 3 more invisibly hung in that that was black. 93.75% hung white women. 6.25% black....invisibly.

Though I’m speaking as a Black person, let me open by saying that I’m no more qualified to declare that there is or isn’t a problem here racially than you are. These are just my opinions. Let me also confess that I’ve not yet finished the ENTIRE season because it’s scary and I’m mad soft, but I did read your article

This is the type of propaganda that is fueling the race issues in the US.