
I could definitely be wrong, but I don't think that information has been established on the show. It could either be something that Sam will "uncover" or just that the Wall has a different origin in the show canon.

You realize the show isn't actually claiming that Shakespeare was Asian, right?

Let me add my voice to those below. I couldn't stand them then (and I was probably in their target audience, as a 16-19yo white boy during their peak years) and can stand them even less now. In fact, I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone who didn't hate them.

I don't necessarily think this review is WRONG (though I disagree with the rating), but i do think that the lack of "accomplishment" in the battle is part of the point. All of the main players know that taking back Winterfell was really just another necessary step in preparing for the real, much larger battle ahead. I

Nice to see this sketch getting some more love, though I don't find it "baffling" at all. It's far and away my favorite sketch of at least the last 15 years of SNL. Concept, performance, everything, just brilliant.

I love Carla Gugino, and I do think she was underused - but seriously, who has the time to be "infuriated" by that scene? This show certainly doesn't pass the Bechdel test (though I think part of that makes sense as an illustration of foreign policy still being governed by men swinging their dicks), but that sort of

Seriously I think people would be much, much less upset about this scene if the showrunners hadn't handled the Jamie/Cersei thing the way they did. That was a truly pointless rape, and one that ruined so much of Jamie's character arc. There was a heavy "bitch got what was coming to her" vibe about it that was really,

No argument from me there!

Not that I disagree with much of the criticism in this review, but in defense of Ragnar's plan: legend has it that the 'real' Bjorn Ironside once captured an Italian city in the exact same manner. And since they've done a lot of conflation on this show already, and it's not like they're going to run for 20 seasons

It was incredible. Right up there with Oldboy and Eastern Promises in the "realistic fight scenes" pantheon.

I'll ask again: how the hell did Tommy get the gun? Are we supposed to think that the police never patted him down when they arrested him and put him in a jail cell?