Hahahahaha what!? You are seriously insane.
Hahahahaha what!? You are seriously insane.
Or it could be that those countries aren’t in the midst of civil wars, and contain people that want nothing more than to see the US fall.
This in no way stops them from publishing their studies in a peer reviewed journal.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
To think that anyone besides you people care what Jezebel has to say...
You mean doing something that has been a tradition for presidents?
Why didn’t you all bitch when Obama made his Inauguration Day “National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation” ?
Wait you mean they didn’t just rape and beat them, it actually worked!? Crazy
How many sperm or eggs have hearts and brains?
To be fair, if there is one constant in life, it is to procreate. All life does it in one way or another. It’s not really that far fetched to think that any humans main reason for being here is to have babies. It’s pretty universal. Now that in no way excuses the idea that one person can treat another any old way they…
We don’t live in Saudi Arabia honey. Women are not property. Jesus you should seek medical help if you’re this paranoid about men.
You act like women don’t love sex as much as men do... also it would seem that most of you don’t want the government to have a say or control your bodies. Well why should they, or better yet, we have to pay for your abortions if we don’t get a say.
I’m pro life yet I agree. The government should have no say in the private lives of its citizens as long as it isn’t harming anyone. I leave the debate about whether or not abortion is actually harming someone for another day. However, if you believe this, why do you fight for government funds to pay for abortions. As…
Just not pro lifers right? Fuck a women’s choice to choose what she believes.
Yea how many pro lifers were allowed at your march?
They’d rather protest someone that is very popular on the global stage. No one gives a shit if a bunch of people protest North Korea, or any of the other dictators, but mention Donald Trump and the media jumps all over it. Why should they care about people actually doing things they think Trump MIGHT do?
Calling on an SJW is not bigoted. You need to learn what that word means.
But anyone who disagrees with you is a bigot or a troll in your mind, even when they are not.
God damn I thought Jezebel was the only one who didn’t like to hear arguments, differing opinions, or dissenting ideas. It may be easy to walk through life ignoring everyone else, but it sure doesn’t do you any good. Not everyone here wants to just listen to your side of things. Even more so, if you can’t handle other…
Correction, 8 years.