So out of the organisms that have hearts, which ones aren’t alive?
So out of the organisms that have hearts, which ones aren’t alive?
Who’s going to fight it? You pansy liberals?
“War is murder” “I have an alien inside me and it needs to die” do you see the problem with this?
Alien? It’s a fucking human being you psycho. If you didn’t want it, then stop fucking. A side effect of fucking is babies. If you don’t want the baby, stop fucking. You don’t have the right to choose is something lives or dies. You all make that abundantly clear with your no death penalty and ideas that people aren’t…
Name one thing that isn’t alive that has a heart the pumps blood. Hell name one thing with a heart that isn’t alive. Yes it’s mechanical. It process is to keep whatever it is inside oxygenated. Or in other words it’s a process of being alive and staying alive.
Are you suggesting that something that can’t live without depending on something else, isn’t alive? Or are you saying, it won’t live because it has medical issues.
He doesn’t deserve life, how’s that?
Fine, stuff him in a cannon and blast him at a wall
Whoever it pleases, are you retarded? They don’t pick people at random to put to death
But it’s ok to give another murderer a sex change at the expense of the family of the person he murdered?
I voted for Trump and even if this is a rumor I think it should be investigated. Treason is no joke and I for will have no problem if it’s true and they throw the book at him.
Gee isn’t it great what he’s done for race relations!!!?
Jesus Christ you’re all a sad bunch of people.
But isn’t a women without a uterus just a man? It’s not like you can have a baby, abortion shouldn’t matter to you. Or something along those lines. I really don’t not understand these hysterical women.
If he isn’t the father it Ian his baby also you phsychopath.
So protestors of a march suddenly aren’t allowed at the march because they’re not liberals?
No please keep infighting. It’s lovely to watch.
Trump will be your president for the next 8 years. Get used to it.
Art - a skill, craft, or discipline. Hence the subjects of liberal arts. Hence the reason you get a bachelor of the arts when you get a degree. Art was only starting to get associated with “Creative art” in the 1800s
“The US doesn’t jail journalists, but it isn’t hard to imagine a reality in which it does under our current president” FTFY. We may not imprison them, but the government sure as fuck spies and taps their phones. The government under your oh so great Obama.