“I played the lead in Faust” looks kinda good on a résumé.
“I played the lead in Faust” looks kinda good on a résumé.
GQ went to Bowling Green and didn’t even stop to pay tribute to the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre! Fucking liberal media.
And Paquin was probably afraid of being outed too.
It sucks that Anna Paquin even has to justify why she didn’t talk about the incident sooner. Not only was it not her story to tell (especially given the fact that it involved Ellen Page’s sexuality and she only recently came out) but also IT SHOULD NOT BE A WOMAN’S JOB TO POLICE THE VILE BEHAVIOR OF MEN IN THEIR…
Yes, yes. Another wonderful thing about Seth featuring his own writers on screen is that he actually has enough women writers on staff to feature three in a segment at once. I would like to believe that is not so rare in television writers’ rooms, but let’s be real...
No, the way we feel about Trump is decidedly not how they felt about Obama. They felt like their country was dumping them and leaving them behind. We are concerned that Trump lacks the basic skills to govern and will start a nuclear war if he’s not talked down by grownups.
Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
The scope and style of this investigation is unprecedented, and he needs to tread carefully. God knows I want Emperor Baby Fists out on his ass ASAP, but Mueller’s case needs to be 100% above reproach.
Please. GWB’s Katrina response looks downright dignified compared to this.
I’m assuming this tweet came out after they found out the gunman was an old white guy because it doesn’t mention terrorists or his travel ban.
Democrats, rather than enjoying watching Republicans crash and burn their dangerous healthcare repeal bills, are apparently validating whiny Republicans by drafting a compromise bill behind-the-scenes.
Yeah, demand a refund.
It’s amazing how quickly I swing between being devastated that Roy Moore is the new Alabama senator and then being delighted that Trump is upset about Strange not winning. Gah, LAYERSSS OF EMOTION HERE.
You know that all congressmember do not read the legislation. Not Pelosi, not Bernie Sanders, and if they say they do they are lying. That’s why they have specialized staff, to read and summarize the bill for them.
No, Bunny Hat, those are the future stars of a hit sitcom about two women who end up having to share a studio apartment after their husband/boss winds up in jail. Watch your local listings for the madcap comedy Mel & Hope.
What fresh hell is this?!
The constitution just says we can have guns.
Guys you don’t understand; he wears a coat.
“President fires Sun and Moon after more people turn out to watch eclipse”