
I think it’s partially that, partially the fact that Kate McKinnon has said many times that she can’t do impressions of people she hates. So I think she’s working hard to see the “relatable side” of Kellyanne.

I never would have predicted that I would be praying for Mitt Romney to hold a position of power. Please! He’s an adult who can conduct himself in an appropriate manner! He has some intelligence and occasionally listens to experts! How low the bar has sunk.

This is where I thought about making a Dean Winchester joke but then realized Jezebel isn’t Tumblr.

I once drunkenly heckled the emcee at a Black History Month quiz night. He was a 40-something white skater bro who kept saying how “personally meaningful” Black History Month was to him. I got pissed off at his faux “woke” routine and loudly asked what he’d be doing for Women’s History Month (answer: nothing).

Hey, take southeast PA with you! We always vote blue. We just didn’t quite manage to outvote the rest of the state this time.

I’ve always liked “Lay Lady Lay”. No snark, what part of it do you find particularly sexist?

Obviously it’s not on the same scale, but work-home balance is tough for all working women. I wouldn’t diminish her concerns, just hope that it leads her to recognize her privilege in other ways.

She gave an interview where she said her current hours were difficult. She was leaving for work right before her young kids got home from school and didn’t get to spend much time with them. I imagine that’s part of it.

We may have read the same article. If so, it also mentioned that many people are registered in more than one state bc they re-register when they move, but do not think to un-register. They still only vote once, they don’t drive to the next state over for another stab at it.

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One beautifully subtle recent example of shade:

It would be very boring for both readers and authors if we could only cover our precise personal experience! I think it is more case-by-case. I suppose my comments were more about first-person narrators in fiction where issues of identity are central to the story.

I agree, I wish her privacy had been respected! I think the interest in an author’s personal life is often more than morbid curiosity - but I can’t say what side I would take on knowing nothing and taking a work as it stands versus knowing an author’s “qualifications” to take on a certain voice. I think it would

I agree that this particular “investigator” wasn’t concerned with whether or not Ferrante is female. But it’s the larger questions here that interested me - do we believe in an author’s female characters more when the author is female?

So, I’ve never read Ferrante. But this brings up some interesting conversations re: “literary truth”. We expect to know all about the life of an author in part bc we want to know if they are “qualified” to tell a certain story.

I’m in PA myself but the Trump ads have all been online. I don’t know if you can limit ads by IP address?

I’ve been getting Trump ads in front of liberal videos on YouTube (mainly John Oliver and Rachel Maddow) - now that he’s finally spending the $$ in ads, it seems he still hasn’t figured out how to target the right audiences.

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In case anyone missed it, I greatly enjoyed Mika Brzezinski’s disgust over Trump’s comments on Alicia Machado and on beauty pageants in general:

Yes, especially as McKinnon was saying that she still missed and loved her father (who died when she was a teenager). I’m sure JLD could intimately relate.

Yeah, I’d say it’s far ruder for Larry David to look so unenthusiastic, even if JLD did not have a personal tragedy to deal with and was just resting her face after too much tv-smiling. After all, Larry David acted in several SNL sketches with Kate McKinnon as the Bernie to her Hillary.