
Oh, if you meant it in good fun I apologize, I misread your intentions. I just know a few people who'd want me to watch that video to show me what I'm missing out on. They're the kind of people idolizing bacon and not shutting up about it.

Don't be that guy

I'd missed this show. I'd missed Daniel. I'm no convicted murderer who spent 19 years of his life in prison, but I can relate to him so much more than any other character in TV. Thank you AV Club for reviewing this show and making me aware of it.

Craig Ferguson, how I miss you…

I was in the same boat and gave it a chance, and this is definitely the best thing they've done since 2007.

"L'important c'est d'aimer" helped me scratch that itch for more mad Klaus Kinski antics after watching his Herzog movies. Zulawski's were always a bit demanding, but also totally crazy in the good kind of way. RIP

But enough about Fassbender, what of McBride's character ?

The Mummy Returns remains the only movie I have seen in the theater, on VHS, on DVD, on a screener copy, and at an outdoors cinema on the beach. That's it, I have nothing else to add to this discussion, I'd been keeping this nerdy secret for more than 10 years and just had to tell it to someone. So uh, that Cruise

I thought the book had a great first half then kinda lost itself in the middle in a typical King fashion. But it still ended up being decent overall, and with the talent involved it should turn out as a pretty good mini series. They'd better keep all of the Derry stuff in it though !

I'm not usually one to criticize such efforts but uh, well, besides the music this could as well have been the original trailer ; I don't really see how Matilda and old Martin are related. Maybe Internet doesn't know Scorsese has made other movies than Goodfellas and Casino ?

Sounds like a regular Ween show if I have ever witnessed one…

I can't speak for all of Europe and its many faces, but I can't help but feel this is gonna be the last straw for many people and things are going to be very different from now on. No indication yet of who's responsible, but this is an unprecedented event on such a scale and things can only get worse from it, no

Belgium here. I'm extremely saddened and losing all faith in humanity. All my support to our neighbouring country, my thoughts are with you