Fantastic Dan

"He was actually down to help, but we were somewhat concerned for Black Widow's safety…"

Whatever man, at least we got good tunes.

This may come as a shock to you, but I'm actually actress Shailene Woodley star of the blockbuster film Divergent. With my busy schedule starring in hit young adult films and commenting on AV Club articles about video games I can't be bothered to remember my year of birth and thus refer to Wikipedia when necessary.

I threw in a spoiler warning anyways just cause I'm a super considerate person.

That's awfully optimistic grandpa, because thanks to YOUR generation all I get to look forward to is a lifetime of wage slavery under the new olgiarchy or, if we're lucky, the planet being destroyed by global warming. It coulda' been avoided, but you and Alan Greenspan had to live large at future's expense didn't ya?

According to Wikipedia I was 4 when that movie came out. So sure, old man, like Angelina Jolie from Hackers.

I've not played the game, but having watched Giant Bomb's quick look I couldn't help but chuckle when *spoilers* the faux-Anonymous hacker was revealed to be a 20-something vaguely-punk/goth chick with model good looks.

Has he explicitly endorsed either of the Pauls? I recall him speaking positively of the senior Paul's role in bringing civil liberties and foreign policy into the Republican debates during the 2012 elections, but I remember him making it very clear that he wasn't endorsing his candidacy.

Hook: No Peter, I didn't say all hands on "deck"

You guys mind taking Alberta instead? It'll be like having two Texas-es; you'll love it. Trust me.

I'm sorry, but the world clearly needs a sequel to expand upon the original's Objectivist themes and save our children from the tyranny of mediocrity.

Good to see press photos for the With Teeth/Year Zero incarnation of NIN are still in use 7 years later.

Super bummed about this. I don't know really what to say other than that The Stooges are awesome and I've spent countless hours dancing around like a lunatic to Fun House's insane grooves.

That movie is worth seeing if only for the Zombaby scene.