
Have you tried to boot to safe mode, do a “Restore Database” to see if it shrinks it? I remember that working on my PS4 Pro. Eventually it would go back to 60-80GB.

I owned one for 19 months before having to lemon law it. It was fun enough to drive at first, it got tons of attention. That got old pretty quickly, as did the roof leaking and other smaller issues it had (spent 60+ days in service).

Rats need tiny little hard hats!

I was actually play The Show 19 while watching the game. I was in the 9th inning of a perfect game when Washington got the last out. Couple minutes later I finished my 1st (and only) perfect game (got a trophy for it to boot).

“While he was alive, Kleiman kept a heavy-duty USB drive on his person at all times. Paige believes it might have been made by the brand Corsair — which boasts that its products are encased in “an anodized aircraft-grade aluminum housing.” If he really did possess a Satoshi Nakamoto-level fortune, it may have been

I sort of agree even though I got one. Trading in older phone cut it to $500, 20 bucks a month for 2 yrs interest free. Not too bad coupled with my $12 a month cell phone bill.

Seriously though, if someone put their hand down their pants, rubbed their genitals and then put their had up to your nose, would you really remember which fingers where held up to your nose? I think this is just some made of bullshit with made up details to make it look bad.

Thanks, I have been wondering why my battery is 20-30% less at night when I place it in the charger, guess I now know why.

Cooked vs uncooked, they approved the soy leghemoglobin to be sold in raw foods. 

I once caught air somewhat like that, landed, did a 360, and the right front tire ended up on the sidewalk at the beginning of a bridge. All that in front of a fire station. About 3 of them ran out to see if I was okay, which I was, minus the couple of ounces of urine that seeped out.

Yes, but those old tweets weren’t planted. I wish I knew the context in which he said he likes little boys touching him in his funny place. The rape joke wasn’t funny, but it was a joke. The little boys comment, not too sure how only take that as a joke.

Imagine this with a decent Hollywood budget, this is the movie I want.

The good old days - I would of taken a zombie outbreak over trump becoming president.

I’ve had issues with Amazon in the last year, I have gotten several games late, not on release day (one was 3 days late). My Prime account expired and I decided to wean off Amazon, Best Buy is a great choice with Gamer’s Club.

I’ve had issues with Amazon in the last year, I have gotten several games late, not on release day (one was 3 days

nevermind, just screw the orange stain on humaity.

Or humans

You should of gone with peedophile erected, man what a missed opportunity.

It feels ENTITLED to cold weather.

What about the young women serving drinks that talks to Barry while he is at the alter. She’s his and Iris’ daughter (from the future), right?

I’ve seen longer.