But since the story is about a girl who was kidnapped, held for a long period of time and raped repeatedly by her captor, your need to do the word play thing on child and child brides reveals you are an asshole.
But since the story is about a girl who was kidnapped, held for a long period of time and raped repeatedly by her captor, your need to do the word play thing on child and child brides reveals you are an asshole.
Maybe the other men s/he’s having sex with disagree?
I feel like a person whose only perspective on porn is how entertaining it is for them doesn’t have the most level starting point for a conversation on the entire subject of porn which includes the people who profit off it as a form of deeply abusive exploitation, the people who are the objects in porn - not all are…
In a forum like this, dominated by white women and non-white women educated/socialized to align to the precise words of white women, the questions you pose don’t register broad concern. White women in the U.S./West have always known that despite whatever sexism limited them with white men, they can ‘vent’ themselves…
Foremost, our collective society has to work on giving a chance to not letting people who are living or can live, suffer needlessly. This idea isn’t just beginning, it is already happening, and has always been happening in many ways for a long time. How people are put ‘out of their misery’ is necessarily a complex…
So nice that you can’t understand why all people aren’t as happy at funerals as they are at weddings. You are clearly a superior being, and may you be blessed with many family and friend funerals in the next year to make you as happy as you say they do. Cultural superiority and all.
What is truly frightening is that these racist, and perhaps sexist, headlines and comments are so often thought to be ‘accidents’ by people with no conscious malicious intent. This need to pretend lots of people aren’t deliberately and happily racist, intent on demeaning and hurting, disregards the impact they have…
Are you getting yelled at by people who think their personal right is to be sloppy drunk, drooling and vomiting all over, and other people are required to protect them from falling down stairs, drunk driving, ‘making new friends,’ choking on their own vomit, peeing on other people and other people’s things, and so on?
Ignore them. I have capri pants, that are essentially ‘cargo capris’ and I love them. The complaints come from women who think their $5 polyester dresses are ‘trendy’ and cute, or can rant on about women being free to wear whatever they want, as long as they are ‘sexy’ and ‘trendy’ enough to qualify to their…
Lots of boring white women pretend to be what they’re not, while mocking and co-opting who they’re not, to get attention. While some would love for Lena Dunham or Caitlyn Jenner to take the VP role, or some other deeply troubled person, as an example of not-boring, lots of people are most concerned about the function…
A lot of those non-black Arab/Muslims have not only disregarded black american struggles against racism in America, but they actively supported christian white americans in justifying that racism, and participated in that racism against black people. They did not care about anti-black sentiments that this nation has…
I’ve found multiple freelance projects on FlexJobs, and so have others I know. They screen the companies that are listed to block scam jobs and include listings from top-level companies. They also offer partner-discounts with some other companies. I found out about them at a career conference, spoke with some of their…
This is true, maybe why I enjoy ‘ooh, this is too big for me’ feeling. But great clothes, and expanding in smaller sizes/petites. “My mom shops there” -_-
This is true, maybe why I enjoy ‘ooh, this is too big for me’ feeling. But great clothes, and expanding in smaller…
She more than likely knew it was that bad, but not for her, for him. What she didn’t realize was that she could face consequences for it - consequences that she couldn’t smile pretty and coy her way out of. But sh isn’t a child such that she’d not know that suicide means death. She knows that death is ‘that bad’ - and…
Maybe you are newly considering how abusive this type of behavior is, and seeing that minimizing it as ‘learning about/playing with’ isn’t honest or fair about the intent or impact. I also think females being this way to males, or other females, is often turned into something ‘mean-cute’ when it is really just mean.…
J.Jill - very high quality clothing, with good regular sales.
J.Jill - very high quality clothing, with good regular sales.
Every history class, political science class, sociology class, etc. then should have a trigger warning. How about a trigger warning as standard part of every syllabus for every class - because everything is something someone could be upset about?
Similar experience - it was amazing how much the students were expected NOT to have to do on their own, yet how automatically entitled so many of them felt to obtaining a high grade just because they ‘participated.’
I’ve experienced the pain and trauma of losing a close relative to cancer and find it incredibly insensitive of you not to put a trigger warning on your comment. How am I supposed to handle suddenly, without warning, seeing a mention of your experience with losing a loved one to cancer? If you had at least warned of…
The NRA’s entire existence is based on the marketing of guns and culture of gun violence and gun threats. It is their income, ideology, history and growth outlet - if it changed its stance it would cease to exist. There aren’t that many Americans who are truly using guns to hunt for food, or are actually…