
I believe she dies, if you want to call that "splitting up." I wish I could remember which story says Watson is a widower so I could cite it. But it is true that she shows up with dialogue in, I think, only one story besides "The Sign of Four" and is mentioned at all in only a few others. Mary Morstan is not a major

I've been a Who fan for forty years (I'm 46). The show is good/bad/great sometimes in the same episode. When it comes to the revival, I do think the highs of the RTD era are the highest. But the lows are also the lowest. The overall quality of the Moffat era is higher to me. But it never hits the same highs. I was

Obviously that's someone who doesn't know if he believes in air conditioned toy stores or not.

First of all, the word is "theorem." Second, that's a syllogism, not a theorem.