“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”
“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.
The silver lining in this ridiculous story is that it's given her book a huge publicity boost.
Well, I just found my next book to read. Thanks, Georgia Southern students!
This is bullshit. Charging petty thugs when the question of why this hugely powerful pain killer is even in their hands to begin with goes unchallenged. We know who’s hands Miller’s blood is really on and you can bet their lives don’t resemble that of some dirtbag slinging drugs on the street.
And isn’t the fact that…
FO SHO (but it still annoys the crap out of me, especially when I see guys whining about being expected to pay for dates)
It sure will be weird when she dies unobserved in a jail cell.
Just because you don't have friends doesn't mean you're lonely. Some of us are sociopaths, thanks.
“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”
This stupid fucking Stewart column is the epitome of burying the lede. If your interview subject WANTS to talk about his crimes - the thing that he is most notorious for - why the FUCK would you keep veering away? Even if it’s just on background and you feel queasy about violating that agreement (which, please)...…
It took a whole 15 minutes for a commenter to completely erase everything that you said with a #WhatAboutTheMen? comment. Now I’m waiting for the inevitable #NotAllMen commenter. Because that’s what they do; they can’t stand to admit that misogyny and sexism are pervasive so they parse and equivocate.
On August 10, ABC News reported that Betts “demonstrated a misogyny that was far more extreme than any of his political leanings.”
Last year Victoria’s Secret basically confirmed out loud what the company has implicitly advertised for years: that…
I'm really glad now that my high school had no dress code. And I seriously mean NO dress code. People (not many, but there were some) wore shirts that had the word "fuck" on them. I even did it one day, and my physics teacher told me my shirt was cool (it was a band shirt!). A girl showed up one day with a scarf tied…
It's disgusting and hypocritical. I would rather starve than eat at Hooters, and this move makes me even more certain of that.
I totally agree. If Hooters gave a shit about respecting women, they'd let their employees wear pants. This is a PR move, plain and simple.
Can some of you dumbshits sit back and realize Hooters is only doing this because it's a cheap way to temporarily 'up' their pro-woman PR, because that's how you try to put a bandaid on the gangrene of misogyny that is Hooters?
We believe that women should be treated with respect.