CNN has published an extensive report detailing accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior against…
CNN has published an extensive report detailing accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior against…
NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania—Janice Baker-Kinney, like so many other women who say Bill Cosby drugged and sexually…
Its going to be almost impossible to draw that line. I personally find the examining the target the most effective but if you want to bring down the hammer on anything that upsets people nothing will be left. Religion. Liberals. Conservatives.
Yes. I respect their right to push their bodies like that if they want and I think it’s a horrible idea in general to have the peanut gallery signing off on what is and is not an acceptable medical/surgical treatment. But, come on, it’s not fucking heroic to do IVF. The world doesn’t need their offspring to survive.…
You’re asking me to reconcile my words with your preconceived notion of my opinions. If you’re unwilling to budge on that preconceived notion, it doesn’t matter how many carefully chosen words I produce.
The fact is that we all are exposed to watching people easily get things that we badly want and can’t ever have. If for some people that thing is a baby, it doesn’t make them more special or more deserving of not having to see other people get what they want. This baby obsession is just freaking nuts.
The IVF crowd tends to be bizarrely obsessive and entitled about it. No one is allowed to be pregnant but them apparently.
So if someone just lost their pet, I can’t post pictures of my own pets until...what? I get their OK? their go-ahead?
Well what if it makes the other person sad that they can’t make their joke of choice? Whose sadness wins out? (let me guess, the mombies’ sadness, because mombies)
I know people on this thread may not be receptive to this, but I am supporting your viewpoint. A couple years ago, a woman I worked for started to persecute me out of nowhere, it was so bad that co-workers noticed and were offering me references if I applied for another job. Turns out, she thought I was pregnant! I…
I’ve said nothing to suggest people aren’t allowed to grieve about reproductive issues. Do you not recognize the difference between “reading prank pregnancy announcements makes me sad because it makes me think about my own pregnancy-related difficulties” and “you are a cruel and insensitive person for posting…
Let’s pick this apart, shall we?
Perhaps you missed this context in my earlier comment:
The person making the joke doesn’t know if they’re capable of getting pregnant unless they are actually trying. The joke is cruel if a person struggling with fertility makes it about themselves. Meaning the cruelty is self-inflicted, not part of the (not funny) joke.
Well, it’s a good thing reality is limited to things posted in this commenting thread. How about this:
How much time have you spent paying attention to people struggling with infertility? I mean, it would be hard to find any subgroup of people in this country a majority of whom would be happy for a single, disabled, living-in-poverty, 40-something woman announcing her wanted pregnancy. But an overwhelming majority of…
I think you’re missing my point. It’s not about women’s individual responses to a stupid prank, we’re all entitled to our feelings. I’m bothered by the norm that you are pushing — where you’ve prioritized the feelings of a small and relatively privileged group of people such that a prank that actually has nothing to…
No one is the butt of the joke. It’s not mocking anyone, or designed to make someone feel bad. Do people who can’t get pregnant get mad when people announce real pregnancies? Should we ban all pregnancies because it might upset someone? This has got to be one of the dumbest things to get mad about.
But it’s not making fun of people who can’t get pregnant.
Produce is super expensive and northern areas have a pretty high rate of food poverty. A lot of people supplement with hunting.