
Saying nothing is sticking up for him. Also, it has been known for decades that he slept with his girlfriend's adopted daughter, who he acted as a father figure to, and he was 35 years older, plus the allegations that he molested Dylan were around even back then.

And isn't it ironic that he happens to be buddy buddy with Woody Allen. Pervs tend to stick together.

Never heard about those rumors about him, but it actually makes a lot of sense. I kept hearing how "funny" he was, so years ago I tried to watch his show or stand up, I forget which one, and he was joking about child molestation and trivializing it in a way I thought wasn't funny at all and gross. I'm not a PC person,

Never heard about those rumors about him, but it actually makes a lot of sense. I kept hearing how "funny" he was, so years ago I tried to watch his show or stand up, I forget which one, and he was joking about child molestation and trivializing it in a way I thought wasn't funny at all and gross. I'm not a PC person,

Love Veep, but I was really distracted and disappointed to see all of the fur wearing in this episode. It made me ill really. Those cruel Canadian Goose jackets made of trapped and murdered coyotes, and God knows what other animals died for the other fur coats they were wearing.

“Either she froze time, met and married the man of her dreams, unfroze time and hopped back onto vid chat with you, or you’re the dogface. Which do you think it is? I’m on the fence."

Okay thanks for the clarification.

Plot question here:
Was the New Hampshire congress seat that opened up a Republican guy that died, and now his widow is running for Congress? If so, why would they have Jonah run for the Democratic seat instead of a good candidate? I think I remember them saying something about how widows always win or something.

I liked this season, but found the series finale a little repetitive of last season's finale. Also, already knowing that Mike doesn't kill Hector and Jimmy won't get disbarred does kind of take the suspense out of the episode.

I wonder what New Mexico's law (back then) was on recording someone without permission. In California, at least now, I'm not sure about back then, recording such a private conversation without the consent of the other party is illegal.

Yep, let me go screw my boyfriend. Oh, he dumped me, let me run to Quinn's bedside. Oh, I got a proposal from a millionaire or billionaire, I'll just pull the plug on Quinn.

Another great episode of The Affair. This episode has been on fire.

Yes, I did! That was pretty scary.

Please can someone tell me, that they didn't really kill a goat did they? They have ways to make that appear real, without it really being real, right?

Best episode of the season by far gets a C? It is at least deserving of a B+. Collin Farrell acted the hell out of this episode. Still though the Frank story line drags. I just can't get myself to care about his character.

Yes, I'm thinking that is what GR is really about too. I remember the day when I realized I was going to die. And of course I always knew I was going to die since I was young, but the day it really hit me, like shit I'm really going to die one day. And it got me thinking about the afterlife, if there is an afterlife,

Yeah, I wasn't sure what to make of that too.

Yes! A bad music score can really make or break a tv show or movie. It is too heavy handed and just too much.