
Good timing on this click bait, cess pool of an article. This site has turned to absolute trash. Leave this woman alone, oppressive B.S...

Jesus what a moron. You're still buying the Vax propaganda after everything we know now? Pull your head out of your ass.

You think that’s weird? Then this is going to blow your mind: some creators actually pay their own money to have their content aired alongside the Super Bowl. It turns out scrappy young artists like Budweiser and Chrysler are so desperate for any kind of exposure in our late stage capitalist system that they’ll

She’s not transphobic. She wants men to not yet find another way to oppress womens safe spaces through the use and legislation of the gender ideology. As a man, who is friends with trans women and women, I find that a more than fair thing to want for women. It’s not actually about trans people at all. It’s about how

I like the Harry Potter franchise, as does my wife. We’ll probably buy this game. Am I doing it to support an alleged “transphobe”? No. I don’t give a shit about trans people because I don’t give a shit about people period. To each their own.

A fun exercise is to ask them to name a specific quote where she says she hates trans people. Nobody can ever provide anything lol. The worst she can say is she feared some trans people might use the whole bathroom thing for predatory reasons. Which yep, some have. Not a lot, but it has happened.

So tired of people labeling JK a transphobe. Here’s an author that wrote a great, strong gay character who was a great teacher that never groomed any students. One day she came to the defense of her friend who was being viciously attacked for having concerns over abused women mixing with trans men. Now JK is listed as

People need to log off and go outside. Much like Chris Pratt, the things I have learned about Zachary Levi against my will (big thanks to twitter for defaulting to the “for you” tab every time I open the app now) make me think that he is probably not a dude I have much in common with or would particularly enjoy

The Pfizer covid booster shot was also linked to strokes by the FDA and CDC earlier this month. News sites were saying it was a definite link but many have dialed it back to possible. 

Levi is not an homophobe. He’s friends with Matt Bomer and was very supportive when he came out. Until now, I assumed that he was just a Christian, with a few conservatives views and an aversion to swearing, like Tony Hale. Maybe he holds some controversial and stupid beliefs, but he has never been vocal about them.

There is absolutely nothing anti-vaccine about calling out pharmacy companies for their bullshit. This is a terrible take, shame on you.

As long as you’d be cool with a white black panther? You can praise race swapping.

No thanks.

The Hollywood Reporter says that the characters Roiland voiced on Rick And Morty—most notably Rick and Morty—will be re-cast...

Do they know something that the courts should be told? I guess you can be fired for no reason in the US but why not wait until they find out if he’s guilty?

Doesn’t seem to be much circling tables excessively and doubling back on empty shelves in case they come across random screws or pills. Starting to doubt their commitment to the source material.

I’ll play the devil’s advocate.

So I’m a white guy married to a Black woman. When I first introduced her to my parents after we’d been dating a few months, we all went to see Django Unchained in a theater. I knew she was a QT fan and I hadn’t given the subject matter a second thought, but then felt really uncomfortable throughout the runtime. She

What’s the share of internet outrage that dissipates when people stop living by the philosophy of “I don’t like this thing personally, and so I’ve decided that no one should be allowed to enjoy it”?

I don’t see how she’s wrong. She’s obviously talking about the Strong Female Lead(tm), not powerful women in the abstract.