
its essentially meaningless. there are some EU complications that make it impossible to just withdraw abruptly (an EU official said it'd take 3-4 years to fully withdrawal) but yeah, it's non-binding.

not sure if trolling, but dyson's point is that if you're white in america you're born with special privileges that you didn't choose to have but have nonetheless.

Cus you can't make that into a course title

Man, the Abed storyline was the best side-story of the episode. I feel like that could've been easily expanded into the main storyline, with him being able to rise to the top because human subjectivity, as he said, is condensed into objective numbers with the app. He revels in the understanding of that system, taking


Yeah, and this is why I'm fine with the lack of writing for female characters, because the show focuses on both the strengths and flaws of men in this particular society. If it was just a show about the triumphs of white male police officers, it would've made my skin crawl. But what's really poignant is their

Isn't the "Why the antlers?" comment also proof that Rust didn't kill Dora Lange? Unless what we saw at Ledoux's place was merely Hart's perception of what went on… that would be kind of lame, but at the same time, drive home the central point of the series, that we only experience life as a narrative and therefore we