The National Women’s Law Center is my go-to for issues related to the benefits of child care tax credits.
The National Women’s Law Center is my go-to for issues related to the benefits of child care tax credits.
How is Ken Bone still a thing?
Don’t do this to me.
Obviously the first in line is Mike Pence, who is as if the crazy religious zealot from Contact got old.
Straightforward from here:
The exhibit is called SLUTS (Stop Libs’ Unborn Treasonous Slaying).
So they are going to have a display of women like my grandmother being beaten by her husband yet again, but feeling that she can’t leave because she can’t support a baby?
I’ve had two abortions. #1 - in the UK - I lived there at the time. We used condoms, it came off, I got it sorted. The whole process took maybe 2 weeks (from knowing) to finish.
Well, sure, I’d be happy to put up a Gestational Slavery exhibition next to the American Slavery one. It could feature biographies, photos and mementos from the lives of the many, many women who have died as a result of not having access to reproductive healthcare. We could even aim for some really good intersectional…
Wow. These men are so obsessed with abortion! They really need a new hobby. what are the major theories about why there is this incredible resurgence of men being obsessed with abortion? Is it a backlash against how other rights are progressing? Hatred of women in power? I legitimately can’t figure it.
Bannon looks like one of the aliens from “Men in Black” if he was wearing an ill-fitting Robert Redford as a skin suit.
So demand increased and that’s why she went out of business?
Youths! Button tufting is exactly the reason we invented the Internet for you.
If you press gently but firmly for 8.5 seconds just above the navel, the resulting pressure prevents the fetus from feeling any pain for the next five hours. This was proven in the same study they used to prove fetal pain.
The Oscars, in a nutshell:
He probably chooses them for emotional insecurity and fear of abandonment, then starts out with heavy-duty love bombing. It’s extremely disorienting, engaging, and difficult to resist, and creates the illusion of a bond that’s then hard to break. The next step is gaslighting to keep her off balance.
I teach philosophy. You get an A+ in trolley problems for the day.
Would you volunteer as tribute?
Would a land war in Asia be justifiable if it were 100% guaranteed of ridding the world of Chris Brown?