Those pants should be illegal, but the rest of her is magnificent.
Those pants should be illegal, but the rest of her is magnificent.
Okay, now the Trump campaign has made me like an E.L. James tweet. THAT’S ENOUGH!
Daddy Obama and especially Mrs. O are basically perfect when it comes to their fashion choices. We will never again be so blessed. That said, I can’t fault a man for wearing an Italian suit, because they make some damn fine suits! Howevia, until Brioni itself IDs this turd as actually wearing their suits, which Trump…
POTUS looks soooo dreamy there.
Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.
For all my frothing at the mouth about his crappy suits, his ties were not something I noticed until now. HOW? My god, the TIES. lololol They’re cartoonish!
I’m not sure. He might be buying ready-to-wear, and having to buy a size bigger in the shoulders to fit him around the waist
She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.
One of the things that sometimes bugs me about the writers across all the formerly-known-as GM sites is when some of them show how incredibly sheltered and naive they are. That “darkly enjoyable” bit is the epitome of that naivete.
My thoughts exactly as I read the “darkly enjoyable” line. There is nothing remotely fun about divorce. It was the second most stressful, painful period in my entire life. The first most stressful, painful period was when my husband was busy blowing up our marriage. If I hadn’t had a very, very good therapist, I…
I hope you never go through a divorce. Maybe I did my divorce “wrong” but there was nothing enjoyable about it. Not even “darkly enjoyable.” Devastating and tedious? Sure.
Well, I think Bernie — and all the Berniecrats who are still out there insinuating those speeches have some kind of smoking gun in them — owes somebody* an apology.
She didn’t release them because she was running against St Bernie, and any word about Wall Street that wasn’t ‘string em up’ would be proof to his followers that Hillary was corrupt.
I would have been MUCH more fawning for that much money. Go figure!
Honestly at the point Bernie was haranguing about it, I think she balked simply because at that point she still wanted to focus on issues and knowing there was no real there there.
I always figured she was fighting against the slippery slope and absurd double standard of it all, not the actual content.
It’s really... nothing. It’s not as intense as her public persona but it’s not radically different. She’s catering to her audience without fundamentally changing who she is. I don’t get why she was so against publicizing these except then she couldn’t use them again.
.... Why are you surprised she fought so hard against it? She wasn’t trying to hide what was in the speeches, she was fighting against the stupid double standard that had strong undertones of “how dare the uppity lady get paid lots of money to speak to a group who is willing to pay her lots of money to hear words come…
“Both candidates are equally terrible.” - A stupid person
Consider the alternative that Trump really is prepping. I know his campaign “leaked” that he is not prepping, not serious, etc., but why should we believe them? When have they been honest about anything? Maybe he really has prepped. Maybe his performance at the last debate was the best he could do.